Alfredo de Juan


¿Qué le pasó al rey de los delfines?
Director of Photography
El documental repasa la trayectoria del renombrado entrenador de delfines español José Luis Barbero y los acontecimientos que culminaron con su trágica muerte en 2015.
The Cancer Conflict
The latest figures from the American Medical Association state that up to 90% of cancer patients look for treatment outside of their healthcare system, a decision that doubles the risk of death. When taking treatment into their own hands, how will Grant who's chosen evidence-based treatment and Surinder, who's chosen a completely alternative route, make informed choices in an online world of misinformation? And what are the consequences of turning away from experts?
Hide and Seek
Director of Photography
Victoria Fiore’s astonishing feature documentary debut is a surreal journey of a young boy’s final days of freedom before he is taken away from his family.
My beautiful Baghdad
Director of Photography
"Abu Nawas" es un café de moda y el lugar en el que se reúnen artistas, comunistas y homosexuales iraquíes exiliados en Londres. Además, se ubica cerca de la mezquita salafista. Un día, un fanático religioso y sobrino de un poeta llamado Taufiq decide atacar a los amigos de su tío, poniendo en marcha una serie de acontecimientos que cambiarán por completo la vida de muchas personas.
The Spy Who Fell to Earth
Director of Photography
Based on Dr. Ahron Bregman's book, this documentary examines the life and mysterious death of Ashraf Marwan, an Egyptian billionaire and double agent.
The Outsider
Director of Photography
He was at the center of the biggest banking scandal you've never heard of.
My Deadly Beautiful City
Director of Photography
The arctic mining city of Norilsk is one of the most polluted in the world - but many residents are still proud to call it home.