Isabel Russinova

Isabel Russinova

Nacimiento : 1958-01-20, Sofia, Bulgaria


Isabel Russinova


La primavera della mia vita
Trafficante di virus
Joe, Carlo, Bobo and Giacomo have always been friends, each with their own life and problems, but united by an authentic bond and the passion that brought them together: music. The Boys, the band's name, had had lightning-fast success in the 1970s. In their routine - between love and personal affairs - a possibility bursts that takes them on a new journey: they will have to deal with the dreams and ambitions of the past and the world of today, but even more they will discover the meaning of their friendship. .
My Second Time
La bugia bianca
Il popolo di Re Heruka
L'ultimo re
L'ultimo re
Two thirtysomething friends on the verge of a nervous breakdown can no longer cope with the stress created by their wives, jobs, mobile phones, and struggle for survival.
The Girl from Cortina
Vanessa Gravina is vapidly pretty as the heroine, who changes her hair color and hair style in order to escape an abusive painter husband and start a new life. She fakes her death by motorcar accident off a cliff, and the film heads downward from there, as surely as the vehicle plunges towards the Gothic waves-crashing-on-rocks below, set on the Greek island of Hydra.
Balkan Runner
To avenge the murder of her husband, Mirna dedicates herself to the destruction of the beautiful but villainous Sura who ships arms to the Middle East in exchange for drugs. Aiding her in this task is handsome undercover agent, Marc.
A woman sets out on a spiritual journey to find her brother in the far away land of Roraima.
High Risk
A spy must come to the aid of a computer genius, the sole witness to a mass murder at the high-powered firm where she works.
Condition Critical
Barbara Bedford
Medical-center doctors discover the shocking source of a deadly virus spreading through Los Angeles.
Venetian Red
Venice. March 1735. The carnival is in full swing Everybody's happy mood and the lively streets are filled with musicians, mimes, clowns and acrobats of pickpockets who practice their craft each, displaying a colorful rainbow and sounds. At every corner, there is something going on that should not be missed - especially if it's something forbidden. However, some people are concerned about something else. One is Carlo Goldoni young lawyer of 27 years, he dreams only theater and he thinks only the part that wants to ride. Alas, the money was also hard to find at that time than now. His two friends, Antonio Vivaldi and Gian Battista Tiepolo are better known than him but they are also looking for this rare bird: a patron, who was not on ONLY the desire but also the means to sponsor a work of art.
Cena con Vampiros
Tres chicas y un chico son seleccionados por el gran director de cine Yurek. Son invitados al castillo que tiene en el campo. Una vez allí su anfitrión les confiesa que es un vampiro auténtico, y les explica que si les ha reunido no es para ofrecerles ningún papel, sino porque los considera lo suficientemente puros como para que puedan matarle y acabar con sus milenaria agonía, no si antes él acaba con ellos.
Rimini, Rimini: A Year Later
Funny, entertaining comedy with a few storylines. All of them have one thing in common - a resort town of Rimini in Italy.
La reina de la Jet Set
Doris Caetani
Una chica guapa y ambiciosa, cansada de su vida normal y rutinaria, decide explotar su atractivo físico para convertirse en una mujer sexy y deseada. Se introduce en el mundillo de la Jet Set y va pasando de hombre en hombre.
Us Real Men, We Hard Men
Mario, a tram-driver, and Silvio, a banker, make friends in the group of participants in a survival training course.
El comisario Lo Gatto
Wilma Cerulli
Durante una investigación en la Ciudad del Vaticano, a Lo Gatto no se le ocurre otra cosa que interrogar al Papa. Como consecuencia de ello, será desterrado a la remota isla de Favignana. Allí, sin nada que hacer, empieza a investigar la desaparición de un turista.
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Michael Ende (autor de "La historia interminable") que narra la historia de Momo, una niña que vivía en un viejo anfiteatro a las afueras de una gran ciudad. Momo tiene la maravillosa cualidad de saber escuchar a los demás, por ello tiene muchos amigos que la visitan. Entre ellos están Gigi Cicerone y Beppo Barrendero, que son sus mejores amigos. Todas las tardes, montones de niños se acercaban al anfiteatro para jugar, porque con Momo era imposible aburrirse. De vez en cuando, Gigi contaba cuentos e historias increíbles, que ni él mismo sabía como iban a acabar. Momo era muy especial; arreglaba disputas, inventaba juegos, reconciliaba a la gente, y todo ello sin hablar, sólo escuchando a los demás.
Tex y el señor de los abismos
Tex Willer y sus compañeros, el viejo ranger Kit Carson y el guerrero navajo Tiger Jack, desbaratan una banda de traficantes de armas; encuentran que éstas, robadas al Ejército, están destinadas a una tribu de yaquis. Después de descubrir algunos cadáveres momificados por unas misteriosas piedras verdes, Tex consulta a un experto de lo oculto, El Morisco, y con su ayuda tendrá que enfrentarse al líder de los yaquis, el inquietante Señor de los abismos.
Mezzo destro mezzo sinistro - 2 calciatori senza pallone
Daniela Benni
Asesinato en la Fórmula Uno
Miriam Dell'Acqua DJ a RDS
El inspector Nico Giraldi se involucra en un caso de asesinato ambientado en el mundo de las carreras de Fórmula Uno, mientras es suspendido por tratar de encubrir a su amigo.
Si Ringrazia La Regione Puglia Per Averci Fornito I Milanesi
L'incredibile storia della signora del terzo piano
L'incredibile storia della signora del terzo piano
Una donna spezzata
Tamara, La femme d'or