Clive Mattock


Exhibition on Screen: Klimt & The Kiss
Austrian artist Gustav Klimt's most famous painting, The Kiss, is examined in this documentary which looks at his life and the 19th century artistic movements that he both influenced and was influenced by.
Hopper: An American Love Story
Short of hanging the painting on your living room wall, Phil Grabsky’s popular Exhibition on Screen series may be the best way to spend quality time with a favourite artist. At least, that’s what it feels like as we’re immersed in the infinitely evocative oils of Edward Hopper, a poet with a paintbrush. The film draws on leading experts and curators, Hopper’s diaries and letters, but of course, the best reason to watch it is to bathe in close-ups of superb art.
Mi infancia, mi país: 20 años en Afganistán
Sigue el viaje de Mir Hussain, que creció en una tierra devastada por la guerra. En el inicio es un niño de ocho años que juega entre las ruinas de los Budas de Bamiyán en el Afganistán rural. En 2002, las tropas estadounidenses desembarcan en Afganistán, empezando una guerra aparentemente interminable en uno de los países más pobres del mundo. Este documental intimista recorre dos décadas donde el conflicto nunca ha desaparecido. Tras estas dos décadas, que empiezan el 11 de septiembre de 2001, muestra una revisión única de una vida personal y de la vida de una nación, donde 40 países han invertido más de un billón de dólares y se han perdido más de 150.000 vidas.
Rembrandt: From the National Gallery, London and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Every Rembrandt exhibition is eagerly anticipated but this major show hosted by London’s National Gallery and Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum was an event like no other. Given privileged access to both galleries the film documents this landmark exhibition, whilst interweaving Rembrandt’s life story, with behind-the-scenes preparations at these world famous institutions. Exploring many of the exhibition’s key works, through contributions from specially invited guests including curators and leading art historians, this EXHIBITION ON SCREEN favourite makes a welcome return to the big screen marking the 350th anniversary of Rembrandt's death. For many, Rembrandt is the greatest artist that ever lived and this deeply moving film seeks to explore the truth about the man behind the legend.
La llamada del silencio
Editorial Staff
Año 1936, los Alpes. Cuatro alpinistas comienzan a escalar la pared norte del Eiger. Es el segundo intento de ascenso. Los cuatro morirán, pero uno de ellos se resistirá hasta el último momento luchando con todas sus fuerzas... "La llamada del silencio" (The Beckoning Silence) reconstruye la historia de Toni Kurz, un brillante y joven montañero que, con otros tres escaladores, intentó a mediados de los años treinta conquistar el Eiger, el último pico de los Alpes que quedaba por coronar, hazaña que conseguiría en 1938 una expedición dirigida por Anderl Heckmair. El documental recrea la odisea de Kurz a través de las experiencias de un mito del alpinismo moderno, Joe Simpson (de cuyas gestas ya se habla en la premiada cinta del 2003 "Touching the Void"),
The Black Death
Online Editor
The Black Death, a pandemic disease that ravaged in the 1300s, caused a never-before-seen human catastrophe of frightening magnitude. Over the course of three terrible years, more than a third of Europe's population was wiped out.
Goldie: When Saturn Returns
Goldie, the godfather of drum and bass takes us on a roller coaster ride through his frenetic life. A journey that takes us from Wolver Hampton to Tokyo, Miami to Hong Kong; through his years in council care and his life as a musician and international pop star. Along the way we meet his family, his collaborators and his celebrated friends, David Bowie and Noel Gallagher.