Eric Richter


Lefty Loosey Righty Tighty
MICHAEL is a former college indie rocker who's now a new dad and not sure how he feels about his life of comfortable domesticity. His wife HELEN is not sure how she feels about Michael not being sure...especially when he's the one always opting for "crazy" evenings of watching Netflix on the couch with a six pack of tall boys safely nearby. Perhaps Michael can make one last great grasp at rock stardom and finally find that complete 100% certain no-doubt-about-it contentment that has so far eluded him.
Slices of Life
Compuesta por tres historias distintas, Slices of Life encuentra su nexo de unión en Mira, una joven amnésica que despierta frente a un motel de carretera. Mira buscará señales de su propia identidad en las páginas de tres libros, cada uno de los cuáles muestra distintos aspectos de la vida cotidiana… quizás su propia vida.