Markie Glassgow


Killing Eleanor
Associate Producer
A terminally ill old lady who wants to die on her own terms convinces a self-destructive addict to help kill her, in exchange for clean urine.
Cuando tu quieras
Executive Producer
Tres jóvenes discapacitados huyen del cuidado de sus padres sobreprotectores y ponen rumbo a un prostíbulo de Montreal en el que atienden a personas con problemas físicos y mentales. Lo hacen no sólo para perder su virginidad, sino también para declarar su propia independencia... Remake del film belga del 2011 "Hasta la vista"
El profesor (Teacher)
Executive Producer
Un profesor de instituto hace todo lo posible para proteger a sus alumnos preferidos de los abusadores que se meten con ellos
The Law of Moises
Executive Producer
The Law of Moises is a family adventure comedy film about MOISES ("moi-'sez") who since the death of his parents at the age of nine has only dreamt of one thing - getting out of Cairo, Illinois, a stifling 9 square-mile town, to make his own films that will change the world. Similar to his namesake -Moses 2,000 years earlier- our hero, Moises suffers from a speech impediment and anger issues. The similarities don't stop there - in the town, there seems to be BLOOD flowing in the Mississippi River. Other plagues follow, including frogs and locusts that aim to devour the town's historic landmarks.