Fascinada tanto como aterrorizada, una mujer se refugia en la intimidad de su habitación para leer a escondidas el "Discurso contra Dios" del marqués de Sade, que ha sustraído de la biblioteca de su marido. Las primeras líneas que lee le hacen tomar conciencia del aspecto increíblemente sulfuroso y anticlerical de este libro, porque en el siglo XVIII la negativa de Dios sólo puede ser brutal y protestante, un lenguaje sin límites destinado a romper todas las prisiones de los hombres.
After ten years of marriage, a woman decides to tell her husband about her libertine past. A cascade of revelations follows, all as unexpected as they are funny.
After ten years of marriage, a woman decides to tell her husband about her libertine past. A cascade of revelations follows, all as unexpected as they are funny.
Under the reign of Louis XV, a French aristocrat, fleeing the lawsuit that had just been brought to him in Marseille for dissolute morals, took refuge in Venice accompanied by his mistress, his wife's own sister, whom he passed off as his legitimate wife. . Frequenting assiduously the Salons de la Cité instead of displaying a discretion more in keeping with his situation, he quickly finds himself confronted with the reproaches of his mistress and the investigations of the Venetian spies.