Julien Haurant

Julien Haurant


Julien Haurant is a French actor.


Julien Haurant


Living on Love Alone
The server Cojean
Julie Bataille is fed up with student jobs. At 23, with a 5-years university degree, she wants to work for real. She meets Ben by chance at a job interview. He's a guy who chose to live by the day, getting by with whatever crosses his path and small-time trafficking. Ben asks her to come and spend the summer with him in the South. Julie declines. Then one day, on an impulse, she leaves everything behind and joins him.
Le bibliothécaire
Cuando Katie (Alexandra Lamy), una mujer normal, conoce a Paco (Sergi López), un hombre también normal, se enamoran y ocurre algo mágico: de su amor surge un bebé extraordinario: Ricky, una criatura capaz de volar.
Histoires : Marie Antoinette
M. de la Pattelière
Tender Souls
The DJ
Jacques, 50-something bachelor painter and great seducer, is about to receive the charming Claire for dinner. Broke but clever, Jacques concocted a sumptuous meal. Everything looks great when, suddenly, a door slams and turns the evening into a fiasco. Jacques will have to change his plans, play the unexpected. However, that evening, it is the unexpected that will play with him.
Julie est amoureuse
The summer, in Dordogne. Between thwarted romances and comedy, a working amateur theatre troupe perturbs the holidays of a great actor and his wife. A sunny character comedy that mixes life with the stage, real love with the acted one.
Le Cri de Tarzan
Diffident Frederic never wanted to be drafted into the military, but seeing as he has no choice, he does his job with the same lack of caring that he offers to all his family and friends. One day he visits a local pub and meets barmaid Saliha, the Arab daughter of the bar owner. Now, she is everywhere he turns. Eventually, he takes off from his barracks and they have a luxurious tryst on the Isle des Oiseaux.
Van Gogh
Mayo de 1890. Vicent Van Gogh (Jacques Dutronc) llega a Auvers-sur-Oise y se instala en la modesta pensión Ravoux. Allí se hace amigo del doctor Gachet (Gérard Séty), admirador de su obra, y de su hija Marguerite (Alexandra London). Entregado a la pintura y obsesionado por captar el fluir de la naturaleza y el temperamento de las gentes que conoce, su vida oscilará entre sus estancias en casa de su hermano Théo (Bernard Le Coq) y sus encuentros con una prostituta (Elsa Zylberstein). Apesadumbrado por ser una carga para su hermano, viendo que su obra no es reconocida por los santones del mercado del arte y temiendo un nuevo ataque de locura, tomará una dramática decisión.