Felipe Crescenti


The Body
Art Direction
Xavier, a pharmacist, lives peacefully in bigamy with his two women, Carmen and Beatriz, but the harmony breaks down when they find he has another lover, Monique, a nightclub dancer.
Brasa Adormecida
Art Direction
Rich girl travels with her fiancé (a cousin) to the family farm, where they're going to marry. But finds another cousin in love with her who does everything to hamper the wedding.
El beso de la mujer araña
Set Designer
En una prisión sudamericana, Molina (William Hurt) y Valentín (Raúl Julia), dos compañeros de celda, se cuentan sus respectivas historias. Molina es un homosexual encarcelado por seducir a un menor. Valentín es un revolucionario que no ha olvidado las torturas a las que ha sido sometido durante los interrogatorios.