Jason Cherubini


The Collective
Executive Producer
Un grupo de justos asesinos llamado The Collective apuntan a una red de tráfico de personas altamente sofisticada respaldada por una red de multimillonarios intocables. Con la espalda contra la pared, The Collective no tiene más remedio que poner su misión más importante en manos del asesino novato Sam Alexander.
A married couple on the brink of divorce becomes trapped in quicksand while hiking through a Colombian rainforest. It’s a struggle for survival as they battle the elements of the jungle and must work together in order to escape.
Beware the Night Nurse
Executive Producer
After struggling to have a child, married lawyers Claire and Zach enlist the help of their friend, Liz to be a surrogate, and she successfully gives birth to baby Owen. But when their surrogate-turned-nanny disappears under mysterious circumstances, the couple struggles to take care of their newborn without any help. Soon thereafter, though, a woman claiming to be the surrogate's childhood nanny offers to be the couple's new nanny. Desperate for help, the couple agrees to hire her, not realizing that their new nanny plans to take their baby for her own family.
Secrets Exposed
Executive Producer
Single mom, Joanna, teams up with a professor to track down her missing daughter Lizzie, a college student who’s also been working as a cam girl, before it’s too late.
Christmas on Repeat
Executive Producer
An ad executive gets more than she bargained for when Santa grants her wish for a Christmas do-over, and she realizes she’s been missing precious time with her family.
Malicious Mind Games
Executive Producer
While working the night shift, Isabel witnesses a murder that makes her question reality.
A Job to Die For
Executive Producer
Landing a dream job can have deadly consequences . A young woman who dreams of working in the fashion industry jumps at the chance to work for a celebrity model turned fashion designer, but after a series of extreme outbursts and bizarre events, she begins to question whether her job is worth it after all.
Killer Stepmom
Executive Producer
A teen with a reputation for telling lies and creating trouble witnesses her new stepmother murder a man in a vacant parking lot. Now, she must convince her mother to believe her story before she enacts her plan to destroy her family.
Sisters for Life
Executive Producer
A new sorority member's obsessive behavior puts one of her sisters in grave danger.
Lethal Love Triangle
Executive Producer
Dos estudiantes quedan absortos en su atractivo sujeto de investigación hasta que su verdadera naturaleza los pone en peligro.
Malicious Motives
Executive Producer
Cuando una estudiante de secundaria popular recibe ilegalmente una donación de riñón de su compañero de escuela, tiene consecuencias mortales.
Hostage House
Executive Producer
Una agente de bienes raíces y su hija son tomadas como rehenes por ladrones armados.
Fatal Frenemies
Executive Producer
After Haley goes missing, Michelle must work quickly to find her daughter and discover the truth behind the mysterious deaths before Haley or anyone else gets hurt.
Deadly Radio Romance
Executive Producer
Un DJ de radio comienza a cuestionar las intenciones de su ex cuando de repente vuelve a entrar en su vida justo cuando un misterioso acosador comienza a apuntar a ella en su programa de radio.
Killer Competition
Executive Producer
Por sugerencia de su amiga Sarah, la sénior de secundaria Nicole manipula los resultados de las pruebas para ser la elegida, pero se convierte en el principal sospechoso de una serie de asesinatos de estudiantes de primera categoría.
El avión del dinero
Executive Producer
Un ladrón profesional con una deuda de 40 millones de dólares a sus espaldas y la vida de su familia en peligro, se ve obligado a realizar un último golpe: robar un futurista casino aéreo cuya que tiene por clientes a los criminales más peligrosos del mundo.
The Office Mix-Up
Executive Producer
Lacey Keller is brilliantly creative. The only problem is, no one seems to notice, and Lacey doesn't have the confidence to make them notice. Struggling to make ends meet between a job at her best friend's jewelry store and as a night security guard at a marketing firm, Lacey sketches some ideas for a struggling campaign, which accidentally gain the notice of Mikey, the firm's CEO, and his brother Greg, who is trying to prove himself with the campaign. Just one problem -- they assume Lacey is Valerie Staken, an executive who actually turned down their job offer to work at another firm. Tempted by the opportunity to catch up on her bills, Lacey takes on Valerie's identity.
Friends Who Kill
Executive Producer
Hope has always been close to her daughter Lacy. But since her divorce from her husband, Hope has been worried about Lacy, who is struggling to cope. So Hope is excited when Lacy brings home a new friend, Cassie, whose parents recently divorced as well. Lacy and Cassie quickly become the best of friends. But when Cassie begins to drive a wedge between Lacy and her mother, Hope beings to wonder if Cassie is the godsend she first imagined.
Viviendo en el engaño
Production Accountant
Karen tiene el matrimonio perfecto, una hija a la que adora y un buen trabajo. Pero cuando el avión de su esposo David se estrella, la vida perfecta de Karen empieza a desmoronarse.
Viviendo en el engaño
Executive Producer
Karen tiene el matrimonio perfecto, una hija a la que adora y un buen trabajo. Pero cuando el avión de su esposo David se estrella, la vida perfecta de Karen empieza a desmoronarse.
Amor en repetición
Executive Producer
Una mujer se ve obligada a repetir el mismo día una y otra vez mientras trata de volver a estar con su novio, pero encuentra el amor en lugares inesperados. La vida de Amber (Jen Lilley) no es precisamente ideal: recientemente se separó de su novio "perfecto" Kevin (Jonathan Bennett), y en su trabajo ha perdido la inspiración. Pero cuando comienza a revivir el mismo día una y otra vez, Amber se da cuenta de que está atrapada en el limbo. Mientras intenta todo lo que está en su poder para recuperar a Kevin, recurre a su amigo Charlie (Andrew Lawrence) en busca de ayuda, y finalmente debe decidir qué se necesitará para hacerla realmente feliz.
Durmiendo con el asesino
Executive Producer
Una madre soltera y su hija se mudan a una nueva ciudad donde ella conoce al hombre de sus sueños, pero lo que no sabe, es que él esconde algunos secretos oscuros
A Mother's Worst Fear
Executive Producer
Una mujer deja su empleo como negociadora de rehenes para centrarse en la familia. Sus planes cambian cuando su hija es secuestrada por un demente.
Operación rescate
Película de acción sobre un agente (Jean-Claude Van Damme) que despierta atrapado en una prisión secreta de la CIA a bordo de un submarino.
A Dangerous Date
Executive Producer
Julie le presenta a su padre soltero, Peter, el mundo de las citas en línea. Cuando Peter conoce a Alexis, es amor a primera vista. Pero a medida que Julie y Alexis se van conociendo, ella comienza a darse cuenta de que Alexis podría no ser lo que parece.
The Assault
Executive Producer
Una mujer y su mejor amiga se ven envueltas en una ola de crímenes para robar a su esposo y escapar de su matrimonio.
Arlo: The Burping Pig
Executive Producer
A 7-year-old girl befriends a teacup pig named Arlo, voiced by Drake Bell.
Sinister Cover-Up
Executive Producer
Follows Brianna as she teams up with journalist Landon to uncover the truth about her father’s murder.
Summer, unhappy with her boyfriend, receives a mysterious email inviting her out to a spiritual obstacle course. Summer gathers her four friends, each battling a dilemma of their own, to drive to the Sedona Desert, where they are promised this “vortex” will improve their lives. They embark on these courses with the help of their uncanny guide Hermes, who leads them into a series of unusual practices. Little do they know they are being monitored by mysterious hooded entities, eager to take over their bodies.
A small town casino turns into a battleground after two groups of criminals attempt to rob it on the same night.