Doctor Faustus is Christopher Marlowe's most renowned and controversial work. Famous for being the first dramatised version of the Faustus tale, the play depicts the sinister aftermath of Faustus's decision to sell his soul to the Devil's henchman in exchange for power and knowledge. In the first-ever staging of this menacing drama at the Globe Theatre, Matthew Dunster's production features Paul Hilton as the arrogant, power-hungry Faustus and Arthur Darvill as the sardonic Mephistopheles, and includes several impressive magical stunts along the way.
The Squire
Cuando Kriemhild, sedienta de venganza, se casa con Etzel, rey de los hunos, invita al rey Gunther y a su corte a visitarlos, con la intención de tomar finalmente la vida del hombre responsable de su desgracia.
The Squire
Siegfried, hijo del rey Siegmund de Xanten, viaja a Worms, capital del reino de los burgundios, para pedir al rey Gunther la mano de su hermana, la bella Kriemhild.