Denis Shvedov

Denis Shvedov

Nacimiento : 1981-11-24, Moscow, USSR (Russia)


DENIS SHVEDOV was born November 24, 1981. He graduated from the Mikhail Shchepkin Higher Theatre School in 2006 and began his acting career in the Russian Academic Youth Theater, based in Moscow. Appearances in various TV series led to his film debut in the romantic comedy “A Good Friend for All” (2008). Shvedov first collaborated with director Yury Bykov in 2010 when he played the lead in Bykov’s “Live!”. Amongst other awards, the film received the Special Jury Prize at the Taipei IFF and the Grand Prix at KinoRurik, the Swedish festival of Russian cinema where Shvedov received the Best Actor award. In 2013, he once again worked with Bykov, playing the eponymous lead in “The Major”. The film premiered in Cannes Critics’ Week, received awards at numerous international film festivals and won Shvedov the Best Actor award at the Pacific Meridian International Film Festival.


Denis Shvedov
Denis Shvedov


The First Summer
Виталий Михайлович
A small town on the Volga, mid-2000s. In the life of the resourceful Sasha, the fifteenth summer comes: again fooling around with friends, again going to the local "igrovukha" and the first summer part-time jobs...Everything goes on as usual, but Sashka does not know yet - it is this summer that he will have to take responsibility for someone else's life, meet love and get involved in dangerous troubles.
Addicted. Happy End
Yana and Ilya met during rehabilitation. According to the rules, they need to stay away from each other if they want to stay sober. But the feelings that flared up between them do not allow them to do this. They broke down, parted, sought happiness with others, but the further they ran away from love, the more they were drawn to each other. The story that Ilya and Yana will live in the film will allow them to finally get out of the vicious circle, give them a chance for recovery and give hope for a happy ending...
A day in the life of a young woman, which is full of pleasant engagements and ends with a small personal disaster.
Petr Igorevich
A young accountant from a provincial settlement suffers from the tyranny of his mother and is looking for an answer to the reasons for his father's suicide. The desire to change the direction of his life pushes him to flee to Moscow, where by the will of fate he finds himself in the life of an underground casino.
The Factory
When a factory is bound to close, a group of workers decides to take action against the owner.
New Feelings
The story takes place in the not too distant future, when heart extraction is an everyday surgical operation.
Life Ahead
Old classmates finally meet each other after 15 years since graduation from school and that's an amazing opportunity to travel back in time. Old secrets and personal vendettas, hard feelings and first loves turn to fever pitch.
The Ankle
Beauty requires sacrifice, especially when a marriage is at stake. The relation- ship between Alena and Pasha is hampered by an anklebone. Alena bravely goes in for surgery, not knowing how much she will lose.
Dance to Death
Deadly dance tournament is carried out in the city survived after nuclear apocalypse. Energy is extracted from the loser for the city to survive. A young guy from the street is forced to take part in the tournament and falls in love with girl who volunteered to participate in the battle. Will they survive or the arena will take their lives?
Moscow, I Endure You
Viktor Tikhonovich
A very busy Moscow day can drive anyone crazy...
Elusive: Bangkok
The oligarch Polyanski comes back for revenge. Criminals kidnap Kira on the oligarch’s order. To rescue her, the guys have to help Polyanski escape from the Asian prison and rob a bank belonging to his ex-partner.
A story about a friendship between talented famous musician and eleven years old girl.
Eternal Cold
A girl left a young handsome hockey player on the eve of the decisive match. Moreover, she did not go to anyone, but to a museum worker. To support a friend, five hockey players and a goalkeeper go to the museum to explain to the art critic that he did wrong and the woman must be returned. How could the athletes know that the museum is not just a place where statues stand and pictures are hung on the walls. That in giant vaults-storerooms, ancient as the world creatures, which our ancestors described in myths and legends, rest in frozen form. And they are supervised in the image of quiet museum workers by the same immortal humanoid entities…
Decent People
What would you do if a relative recently released from prison would move to your house? And you accidentally killed him...
The Watchers: Beginning
Sergey Polyansky
Night in the center of Moscow hit by a girl, she urgently needs complex operations. Her friend Kira finds the culprit, arrogant and cynical tycoon Sergei Polanski, who refuses to admit his guilt and help the injured. He does not care, he has everything under control. In desperation, Cyrus turned for help to the three guys sympathetic to her - bykovatomu Fede, arrogant, handsome Artem computer genius and his wife. Boys entered into between the Covenant - "help the girl punish the villain, and then decide who will become her boyfriend."
Three different persons, three different lives are connected in a mysterious way. 15 year old teenager suffering of misunderstanding, his glamorous and arrogant stepmother and the young untalented but full of optimism actress. Their destinies aren’t predetermined and their lives are very fragile.
The Adventurers
Katya and her fiancé Andrey - successful young banker fly to Malta on holiday. At the diving center they accidentally meet Max - professional diver, secretly engaged in black archaeology and Katya's ex boyfriend so the adventures start...
The Major
Sergey Sobolev
On a cold winter’s day Sergey Sobolev, a major at the local police office, is driving to the hospital where his wife is about to give birth to their child. High from happiness, he’s driving too fast and runs down a boy on a passage walk, who dies. Now the major has only two options: go to prison or conceal the crime. Sobolev decides to compromise with his conscience and calls on a colleague to help him out. But the case turns out to be messy and when Sobolev finally changes his mind and tries to make up for his deed, it’s already too late…
What Men Still Talk About
A year later the men are still talking, but this time on the 31st of December and still about the women, football, children, and, of course, about the approaching New Year’s celebration. But what can they do, if their beloved wives and girls are waiting for them at Kamil’s, busy with New Year tree decoration and cooking, and the husbands are accidentally got stuck in the advertising agency office? Will they manage to get home in time to celebrate the New Year together?
To Live
Early autumn, godforsaken Russian countryside. A local hunter Michail witnesses a skirmish in the middle of the forest - three men want to kill the forth, Andrey. Kind-hearted Michail helps Andrey escape and together they run from the villains who chase them. Thus, two totally different men start a long and dangerous journey together, constantly arguing with each other regarding their ideology, morals and opinions about life. But life will put everything on its place and make the men understand who they really are.
Добрая подружка для всех
Наташа Петушкова очень похожа на героя Олега Басилашвили из фильма "Осенний марафон" - она очень добрый и отзывчивый человек, который всегда сперва думает об окружающих и только потом о себе. Часто, заботясь о других, Наташа забывает о своем личном счастье, на него просто не остается времени. Незадолго до Нового года девушка узнает, что книжное издательство организует конкурс на звание самой преданной поклонницы ее любимого писателя Александра Снегирева. Автор лучшего письма к кумиру получит уникальную возможность провести с ним вечер тет-а-тет. Наташа не может упустить такой шанс...
Alexander: The Neva Battle
Young prince Aleksandr has to hold out against two enemies - the Horde in the east and the Teutonic order and Sweden in the west. He discovers that some boyars are plotting against him and are ready to betray Novgorod to the Swedes and the Germans to boost their trade. Meanwhile, his best friend falls under suspicion, as somebody tries to poison the young prince at his own wedding feast. Aleksandr has no way out - to defend his people against the invaders and to find the true poisoner.
La espada del rey
La Guerra Del Norte (1700- 1721). Luis XIV, Rey de Francia, destierra a dos duelistas: a uno de ellos lo envía con Carlos XII (1697-1718), rey de los suecos, y el otro marcha a Rusia con el Zar Pedro I (1689-1725). Ambos soldados serán testigos desde bandos opuestos de la gran batalla de Poltava (1709), en la que los suecos sufrieron una gran derrota. Gracias a esta guerra, Rusia logró el libre acceso al mar Báltico a través de San Petersburgo, ciudad fundada por Pedro I.