June Ellis

June Ellis

Nacimiento : , Dover, Kent, England, UK

Muerte : 2011-06-26


June Ellis


Younger and Younger
Auntie E
The eccentric owner of a Los Angeles self-storage company finds his world come crashing down when his long-suffering wife dies, only to return as a beautiful ghost.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair
Giant Cool
Eustace is sent to a horrible school and finds a friend in Jill Pole, who's also running from bullies and looking for a place to hide. The two of them are magically transported from the garden shed into the magical world of Narnia, where they are entrusted with a task by Aslan: to rescue the king's stolen son, Prince Rilian. Together with Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, they must travel north across the mountains, dodge giants, and journey down into the earth itself to rescue Rilian from the mysterious evil that holds him bound there.
An Affair in Mind
Hotel Receptionist
A young novelist falls for a married blond beauty. She's too afraid to leave her thuggish husband and the idea of "accidental" death comes up. The writer doesn't go through with it and they break off. However, she's not done with him yet.
Only Children
Mrs. Fletcher
Jill has everything; a successful career, four close, if somewhat exotic, friends (her 'family') and a live-in lover. They provide for all her needs including, eventually, a baby. But that is where reality sets in.
Mrs Shenton
A principios de 1942, mientras los aliados se preparan para el Desembarco de Normandía, miles de soldados yanquis son enviados a Inglaterra. En la vida de tres de ellos juegan un papel importante tres mujeres: Helen, una madre de mentalidad tradicional que trabaja como voluntaria de la Cruz Roja, Mollie, conductora de autobús y gran admiradora de los estadounidenses, y Jen, la hija del jefe de los tenderos locales, una joven de frágil sensibilidad que está enamorada del soldado Matt.
The Stretch
Mrs. Wood
Everyone always looked after Maureen. But her husband comes home after two years in prison and finds she has grown up and he's not ready for the change.
Ana de los mil días
Enrique VIII de Inglaterra (1509-1547), casado con Catalina de Aragón, hija de los Reyes Católicos, se encapricha de Ana Bolena, una dama de la Corte, y decide casarse con ella. Pero, como el Papa no accede a concederle el divorcio, rompe con la Iglesia de Roma y crea la Iglesia Anglicana (Acta de Supremacía de 1534), convirtiéndose así en la suprema autoridad eclesiástica de Inglaterra. Años después, el rey acusa a Ana de alta traición y ordena que sea ejecutada.
Ring of Bright Water
Stuck in a dead-end job, Graham Merrill adopts an otter, Mij, as a pet and then moves to an isolated village in western Scotland. Together they set out to explore the curious and magnificent natural wonders that surround their seaside home. Soon, Graham finds himself falling in love with the beautiful town doctor, Mary. Before long, the three become inseparable friends.
¿Qué sucedió entonces?
Durante unas excavaciones en Londres, aparece un extraño objeto de gran tamaño. Al principio se cree que puede ser una bomba de la Segunda Guerra Mundial lanzada por los nazis. El ejército descubre que no es nada parecido y llama al profesor Quatermass, que junto con el doctor en antropología Roney y su ayudante Bárbara Judd intentaran explicar el enigma. El profesor Quatermass descubre en su interior unas criaturas alienígenas que intentaron conquistar la Tierra en tiempos prehistóricos y, a través de sus experimentos en los primeros hombres, alteraron la evolución humana hasta llegar a su estado actual. Aunque adormecidas por muchos siglos, ahora existe el peligro de que puedan despertar y tratar de dominar a la humanidad.
Tune On the Old Tax Fiddle
When the inland revenue gets an angry mistress's letter exposing a man named Toby as a tax cheat, they quietly put pressure on him. Toby panics, and hires an unscrupulous lawyer named Elvin, but he has a hard time taking his advice.