Estelle Esse

Estelle Esse


Estelle Esse


Thanks for Everything
Sisters Marianne and Christine take a road trip from Montreal to the Magdalen Islands to spread the ashes of their late father. He wasn’t exactly an angel, and his associates are hot on their trail.
Nous sommes les autres
Cirque du Soleil: The 30th Anniversary Concert
As part of its 30th anniversary, and for the first time in its history, Cirque du Soleil will present a truly unique, exclusive music event celebrating 30 years of music. Music has always been a central character in Cirque du Soleil shows. It accompanies the artists, punctuates the performance and triggers emotions. The 75-minute concert will pay tribute to the music of Cirque du Soleil and will feature a choir of 70 voices (under the artistic direction of Gregory Charles) and 6 soloists accompanied by 28 musicians. The audience will hear singers Paul Bisson, Audrey Brisson-Jutras, Dominic Dagenais, Estelle Esse, Mathieu Lavoie, Anna Liani, Francine Poitras and Roxanne Potvin interpret some of the songs that have defined the music of Cirque du Soleil shows of the past 30 years.
Cirque du Soleil: Corteo
Corteo, “cortejo” en italiano, es una alegre procesión, un desfile festivo imaginado por un payaso. El espectáculo combina la pasión de los actores con la elegancia y la fuerza de los acróbatas para que los espectadores se sumerjan en un mundo teatral y misterioso, en algún lugar entre el cielo y la tierra, que mezcla la diversión, la comedia y la espontaneidad.
Un 32 de agosto en la Tierra
Leather shop clerk
Tras tener un accidente de coche, Simone se replantea toda su vida y decide pedirle a su mejor amigo, Philippe, que sea el padre del hijo que quiere tener.