Masato Nagamori


Girls Don't Cry
Rina and Aoi are a pair of identically dressed girls who become influentially popular in Harajuku. Through the kind favors of suspicious talent broker they appear in a music video, but afterwards, it is only Rina who is recruited by a talent agency.
Before The Leaves Fall
An elderly woman sets out to see in person a painting by a famous artist.She believes she was the inspiration for the painting.
Caesium and the Girl
Mimi-chan is a 17-year-old high school student and she lives with her parents in Asagaya, Tokyo. While walking home from school, Mimi-chan is hit by a lightning and meets Raijin Ra San (God of Lightning). Through Raijin Ra San, she also meets 7 other Gods. Mimi-chan soon undertakes an adventure to find something lost by her grandmother.
The Choice of Hercules
When radicals from Japan's Red Army took a woman hostage in the resort town of Karuizawa, Nagano in 1972, Officer Atsuyuki Sassa was put in charge of diffusing the situation. But the task had its challenges. Upon arriving in mountainous Nagano, Sassa had to compete with freezing winter temperatures, conflicting opinions between the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and the Nagano Prefectural Police, as well as public opinion to gain entrance to the lodge that held the single woman captive.
Gamera 2: El ataque de legión
Sapporo Subway Regulatory Department Chief
Un misterioso meteorito se estrella en Japón desatando la invasión de cientos de criaturas insectoides conocida como Legión. Las criaturas se dirigen peligrosamente hacia Tokio, obligando al ejército a despertar nuevamente a Gamera, la única criatura que les podrá hacer frente y defender Japón y al mundo entero
Rainbow kids
Después de ser secuestrada por tres jóvenes, una anciana multimillonaria consigue dominar la situación con gran habilidad e inteligencia, manipulando a su antojo a sus captores y logrando dividirlos y enfrentarlos.
13 Assassins
In between the original 1963 13 ASSASSINS film and the 2010 remake by Miike Takashi, Fuji TV produced a version for TV. Starring Nakadai Tatsuya and Natsuyagi Isao, with strong support from Tanba Tetsuro and Tanaka Ken, this is the ultimate tale of samurai justice carried out in a historical masterpiece. The shogun’s half-brother, Matsudaira Naritsugu has been slated to join the Roju Council of Elders as a senior adviser even though he is criminally insane. His outrageous acts cause one of his top retainers to commit ritual suicide in protest over his lord’s crimes. Alerted to these crimes, Roju Councilor Doi asks Inspector General Shmada Shinzaemon to assassinate Naritsugu before he can be seated on the council. Gathering a band of 13 (including himself), Shimada sets out on a death-defying journey to cut down the lord before he can reach Edo. Can a band of 13 samurai defeat the vile Naritsugu’s 200 man entourage and enact justice against his cruelty?
El regreso del río Kwai
Lieutenant Yamashita
El teniente de aviación americano Lee Crawford es abatido por los japoneses mientras ataca el puente sobre el río Kwai, en Tailandia. A pesar de todo, logra escapar y es rescatado por un comando británico dirigido por el coronel Grayson, con el que colabora en una misión: detener un tren para liberar a los prisioneros de guerra destinados a trabajar para los japoneses. Pero el plan falla y sólo algunos prisioneros logran escapar. Los demás son transportados en un barco que forma parte de un convoy de la flota japonesa. (FILMAFFINITY)