Key Grip
Three families go into crisis when their daughters get engaged because they are convinced that their young daughters have all chosen a wrong partner.
Key Grip
Leonardo is still single and immature as ever at 50. Tired to see him like that, his daughter texts all his exes "I'm a changed man: let's try again", setting in motion an unexpected trip down memory lane.
Key Grip
En 1946, Alberto Manzi tras regresar de la Guerra busca trabajo como maestro, una tarea nada fácil ya que carece de recomendaciones. Finalmente encuentra un trabajo que nadie quiere, como profesor en un reformatorio de la ciudad. A sus alumnos no les interesa aprender y Alberto tendrá que ganarse su confianza.
Key Grip
A coming-of-age tale about three 18-year-olds just out of high school who go to a Greek island following one of the boys' older girlfriend.
Una actriz en decadencia sufre un duro golpe al morir su marido durante un viaje por Italia. Empieza entonces a relacionarse con gigolós, llegando a obsesionarse con uno de ellos.