Robin de Locksey regresa a Inglaterra tras combatir contra los infieles en las Cruzadas, pero Juan sin Tierra, el hermano del Rey Ricardo I, ha usurpado el trono y gobierna como un tirano, por lo que el noble sajón decide refugiarse en el bosque de Sherwood y luchar contra él para devolverle la corona a Ricardo.
Zani is an unusual young man who has spent his entire life in a zoo in Budapest. His only true friends are the zoo's animals. When Zani meets Eve, a young orphan girl, they fall in love. To be together Eve must somehow escape from her strict orphan school. When she does she and Zani must hide overnight in the zoo - where everyone is looking to find them.
Cinco pilotos, veteranos de la Primera Guerra Mundial, se muestran temorosos a afrontar su devenir diario tras el término del conflicto. Todos los horrores que han vivido les hacen adoptar un nihilista estilo de vida y esconderse en la ciudad de París bebiendo sin parar.
This film, believed lost, was based on William Vaughn Moody's 1906 play The Great Divide. The story was filmed as a silent film by MGM as The Great Divide (1925) and as an early silent/sound hybrid by First National also called The Great Divide (1929). Judith Temple has come West to Arizona for some excitement. As she says goodbye to her brother and his wife, who are returning to the East, Dr. Neil Cranford, who is in love with her, is called away to tend the broken ribs of a man injured in a barroom brawl.
La historia narra cómo dos condes recién casados se ven sorprendidos al salir de la Iglesia por las tropas austriacas, que están sometiendo una rebelión italiana. Aunque deciden ir a su castillo con sus invitados, pronto se ve que el jefe del ejército quiere seducir a la joven condesa...