Christoph Schobert


Holy Shit!
Lukas Rinker‘s debut feature opens with architect Frank (Thomas Niehaus) regaining consciousness in a locked portaloo – known in German vernacular by the ‘Dixi’ brand name – on a building site where a detonation is being prepared. As he desperately tries to find ways of escaping this ‘prison’ before potentially being blown to smithereens, he realizes who has put him into this predicament. Now Frank has to do everything in his power to get out alive…
The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister
En la Inglaterra del siglo XIX, la huérfana y rica heredera, Anne Lister, vive con su tío y su tía, quienes quieren verla felizmente casada al desconocer que es lesbiana. Anne va guardando sus pensamientos en un diario encriptado. Cuando su amante, Mariana Belcombe, se casa con el rico Charles Lawton por conveniencia, Anne se siente traicionada a pesar de las visitas de Mariana. La relación entre ambas parece no ir a ningún sitio. (FILMAFFINITY)