Helga Göring

Helga Göring

Nacimiento : 1922-01-14, Meißen, Germany

Muerte : 2010-10-03


Helga Göring


Einmal Dieb, immer Dieb
Mutter Berlinger
Jean Berlinger is a gentleman and master thief. With playful ease he breaks into well-secured museums and steals their most valuable exhibits. The police are always in the wrong. With the money he receives for the precious loot, he supports retirement homes and homeless shelters. In preparation for his next coup, Berlinger meets the beautiful educator Julia. She runs a kindergarten next to the Egyptian Museum, from which Berlinger wants to steal the world-famous Nefertiti.
Der fremde Gast
Ruth Weyler
Der Dolch des Batu Khan
Elise Sonntag
Kathrin's Mother
FRAGILE is the story of a woman who is killed in a car crash and is given one day more to spend with the people she loves. FRAGILE is a short parable about the things we often take for granted until they are gone, like friendship and love from those that are close to us. It is a film about the precious gift of life, and the fragility of our existence. Death, its imminence and certainty despite our efforts to deny it, is examined in a meditative manner. FRAGILE entertains by means of serious reflection and lyrical contemplation.
Else Wiese
Johanna, a feisty 17-year-old German girl with dreams of becoming a fashion designer, discovers her biological father is Turkish. Without telling him of their relationship, she gets a job at his elegant restaurant and disaster follows.
Liebesau – Die andere Heimat
Die Liebenden vom Alexanderplatz
Lotte Kröger
Drama about a former couple who met again 55 years after word war II.
Gregor's Greatest Invention
Gregor, a young man, lives with and cares for his elderly grandmother. He's also a bit of an inventor. One day, when her wheelchair accidentally rolls down a hill and throws her into a pond, he gets an idea for an invention: A harness system that will let his grandmother walk again by supporting her weight. Meanwhile, her friends from the nursing home are trying to convince her to leave Gregor and live with them.
The Burning Snail
In this grim German drama, a troubled 14-year-old boy's pent-up rage and frustration leads him to involvement with a bad crowd and gets him caught up in an inescapable spiral of increasingly self-destructive and deadly violence.
Herz aus Stein
Wolfgang (13) lives on the street. One night, by chance, he finds the head of a statue for which a large reward is being offered. To collect the reward, he goes to the specified address - a beautiful, old house on the outskirts of the city - and meets with an elderly woman. Because of the unexpected beauty and tranquillity of his surroundings, Wolfgang keeps quiet about the statue head, and stays. But things soon start to change, because the old woman, although mute and tied to a wheelchair as a result of a stroke, suddenly begins to behave strangely, she wants something from him ...
Wozu denn Eltern?
Monolog für einen Taxifahrer
Die Glucke
Helene Wehrmeister
Pförtnerin Frieda
Das wirkliche Blau
The Brigade-Leader’s Hat
Heides Mutter
Young construction worker Ralf Reider leaves his home village Katzsprung in the Rhön mountains during the "Berlin Initiative". In the capital, he wants to earn enough money in construction to build his own house for his wife and his child. But Ralf is an unconventional character who soon becomes an outsider because of his behaviour.
Ernst Thälmann
König Karl
Charlotte Krusemark
White Cloud Carolin
Oma Lucie
It's no big secret that twelve-year-old Hannes is in love with his classmate Carolin, who he compares to a beautiful white cloud in the sky. But when Carolin spends most of her time exploring the village's history with Benno, Hannes becomes increasingly jealous of his rival. The only person who is happy about this situation is Kerstin, who is in fact interested in Hannes. In order to impress Carolin, Hannes takes her and several others out for a boat ride in the nearby Bay of Greifswald, but his plan takes a deadly turn as a storm approaches.
Kerstins Mutter
Komm mit mir nach Chicago
Tante Jadwiga
Familie Birnchen
Lisbeth Pommberg
Die Gäste der Mathilde Lautenschläger
Der Direktor
Frau Kupfer
Puppen für die Nacht
Oles Mutter
Nicht verzagen, Trudchen fragen
Mutter Donath
Marta, Marta
The Blue Helmet
Oma Pomanz
A story about funny adventures young boy Mirco and a drillers blue helmet.
Die Rache des Kapitäns Mitchell
Mrs. Watch
Jörg Ratgeb - Painter
Agnes Dürer
En vísperas de la guerra de los campesinos, el pintor Jörg Ratgeb está en busca de una figura de Cristo, y Jörg no puede encontrar a nadie que pueda cumplir este deseo. Rodeado de dudas, deja a su esposa e hijos en la búsqueda del camino de su modelo a seguir, Alberto Durero.
Bruno Kappel is an established attorney in Hamburg who, in earlier times, belonged to an anarchistic student circle. His former girlfriend Karin Kunze is still a member of this scene. Bruno, who still has left-wing beliefs, becomes her attorney. But when Karin gets into a shootout with the police, she has to go into hiding. The prosecuting attorney Baller has also been a former member of the anarchistic scene. He does not want his past to be revealed by Karin′s apprehension and prosecution. Thus, he asks Kappel to find Karin and sneak her out to a foreign country.
Eine Handvoll Hoffnung
Edith Radicke
Berlin at the end of the 1940s. Anneliese Weyher is working as a switchboard operator. She is living with her aunt after losing her parents in the war – a stroke of fate that has thrown the young woman off course emotionally. Indifferently, she is doing her work; her private life consists of an affair with a black-marketeer. Even when Anneliese witnesses an armed robbery, committed by infamous Wollnick and his gang, she stays lethargic and apathetic – she keeps silent instead of helping the inspector who is a friend of her aunt. It is not until Anneliese by coincidence meets her former lover, the watchmaker Kurt, that her life seems to take a positive turn.
Tod und Auferstehung des Wilhelm Hausmann
The Rainmaker
Mutter Stine
The Germanic pagan deity, The Rainmaker, has fallen asleep, causing widespread drought and poverty. A young couple, Andreas and Maren must trick an old goblin into leading them to the magic garden of The Rainmaker and wake her up.
Der Weg ins Nichts
Martha Siering
Carnations in Aspic
Kollegin Kühn
Das Schilfrohr
Die Ostsee ruft
Petra Lehnert
Города и годы
Wolz – Life and Transfiguration of a German Anarchist
Soldier Ignaz Wolz returns from WWI with an immeasurable hatred of capitalist war profiteers. He decides to start his own revolution, but tries to stay away from the organized class struggle. He steals from the rich men and divides the wealth among the poor. One day, Wolz is arrested and sentenced to life in prison; seven years later he is released due to mass protests. More than ever, it is hard for him to fit in. He severs ties with his former companions, who reject his ideas, and leaves Germany.
Das liebe, alte Haus
Die große Reise der Agathe Schweigert
Agathe Schweigert
Die Bilder des Zeugen Schattmann
Grete Schattmann
Despite It All!
October 1918: Karl Liebknecht is released from prison and Berlin workers celebrate his release. Although WWI is almost over, the German Kaiserreich in vain sends its last reserves to the slaughter. The working class is in a rebellious mood; the uprising of Kiel’s sailors against war and militarism sets off a call for revolution led by Liebknecht. On November 9, Liebknecht declares the Free Socialist Republic of Germany. But pro-Kaiser military and right wing Social Democrats oppose him.
Weil ich dich liebe …
Maria Bräutigam
Dr. Gerd Thiessen, an experienced veterinarian, takes up a new job at a publicly owned manor. His research colleagues are less than thrilled about his ideas and modification proposals. Thus, the pretty and confident veterinarian Sabine Ladenbach becomes his only ally and soon they fall in love with each other. When Thiessen’s wife Eva notices that her husband is growing away from her, she starts to fight for him. Eventually, Thiessen realizes that Eva is the woman of his life, both privately and professionally. At the same time, he figures out that he needs the support of his team to achieve success in his field.
Film by Ralf Kirsten.
Worauf es ankommt
On the Way to Lenin
Frau Kleist
A train travels through the vastness of Russia, a train with German prisoners of war returning home, and Viktor Kleist, a young German communist from an intellectual home in Munich, travels back home with them. During the journey, the stations on his way to Lenin wake up again.
Jede Stunde meines Lebens
Mutter Pachotke
Die Pferdekur
Isolde Hübsch
Mord am Montag
Lydia Amberger
Brot und Rosen
Film by Thiel and Brandt.
My Girlfriend Sybille
Frau Mücke
The adventures of three friends from East Germany on the Black Sea.
The Girl on the Diving Board
The 18-year-old Katharina Jens is a high diving champion and succeeds in everything she does. When she enters an international contest in place of her team colleague Claudia, expectations are accordingly high. However, when she misses the one-and-a-half somersault with a double twist her team fails to gain victory. Suddenly, the question arises if she is in fact good enough.
Oben fährt der große Wagen
Irrlicht und Feuer
Veronika Borowski
Trace of Stones
Bad planning and shortages prevail on an East German construction site. Foreman Hannes Balla uses unconventional methods to overcome the problems. New Socialist Unity Party secretary Werner Horrath is charged with bringing the rough-and-ready builder crew into line. The task seems doomed to fail as the two men compete for the affections of young engineer Kati Klee. But when she gets pregnant by married man Horrath, he is in danger of being expelled from the party, and Balla takes his side...
Dva tygři
Die Mutter und das Schweigen
Else Ackerknecht
Ohne Paß in fremden Betten
Regieassistentin von Eddie
Entlassen auf Bewährung
Helga Reichenbach
After causing a deadly hit-and-run motorcycle accident, Conny Schenk spends two years in prison, where he is able to complete a printing apprenticeship and is released early for good behavior. While he is still on probation, money is stolen at the company where he works and everyone is quick to suspect Conny. Can he overcome his past mistakes and start fresh, or will the mistrust of his colleagues and friends become a self-fulfilling prophecy?
The Adventures of Werner Holt
Frau Gomulka
Two 17-year-olds, Werner Holt and Gilbert Wolzow, are pulled out of school and into Hitler's army. Gilbert becomes a fanatical soldier; but at the front, Werner begins to understand the senselessness of war.
Just Don't Think I'll Cry
Frau Naumann
High-school senior Peter considers the adults around him to be hypocritical, self-congratulatory, and immersed in the past. He gets suspended for writing an essay that his teachers consider to be a challenge to the state. Just Don't Think I'll Cry became one of twelve films and film projects-almost an entire year's production-that were banned in 1965-1966 due to their alleged anti-socialist aspects. Although scenes and dialogs were altered and the end was reshot twice, officials condemned this title as "particularly harmful." In 1989, cinematographer Ost restored the original version, and this and most of the other banned films were finally screened in January 1990. Belatedly, they were acclaimed as masterpieces of critical realism.
The Song of the Trumpeter
Anna Weineck
Fritz Weineck, a worker′s son from Halle, loves music – and dreams to make a living out of it one day. When his friend Alfons, a World War I veteran, gives him a trumpet as a gift, Fritz seems to come closer to fulfil his dream. But then, Fritz realizes that after the end of the German empire workers still have to desperately fight for their rights, and decides to use his instrument for political means: At a meeting of militant workers, he uses his trumpet as a signal horn. But Fritz suffers a severe setback when a comrade dies in the fight for an arms depot because of his fault.
Mir nach, Canaillen
Freiin von Lübbenau
A wild story set in eighteenth-century Prussia. Alexander can do everything that a real devil of a fellow must be able to do: ride, shoot, love and devise clever plots. As a result, he is able to climb the ladder from herder to chamber master, where he makes a fool of the feudal lords.
Der Mann mit der Maske
Drei Kriege - 1. Teil: Tauroggen
Secret Archives on Elbe
seine Frau
The World War II. 1944. Nazis staged a cache which stores archival documents of its agents, rescued from the east during the retreat, near a small German town Ostburga.
Minna von Barnhelm oder Das Soldatenglück
This film takes place during the Seven Years' War. The Prussian Major von Tellheim has become engaged to the Saxon noblewoman Minna von Barnhelm. After the war, the King - in an unwarranted move - deprives the major of his honor. Von Tellheim becomes impoverished and, filled with shame, breaks off his relationship to Minna. An innkeeper in Berlin, who is a police informer, makes the Major move to a shabby little attic because he cannot pay his debt. In the meantime, Minna has also arrived at the inn. She and her lady's maid Franziska are questioned and spied on by the nosy innkeeper. Minna has followed her beloved Tellheim and she now cunningly manages to elicit a new declaration of love from him...
The Second Track
Frau Runge
In this German drama, Brock, a railroad inspector, witnesses a robbery at a train depot. He recognizes the thief, but turning the man in would mean acknowledging he knows him, thus revealing his own complicity with the Nazi war machine. When Brock’s daughter and her boyfriend begin to question him about the incident, will the secret he’s kept for nearly 20 years finally be exposed?
Peter und das Einmaleins mit der Sieben
Peter is unwilling to learn the multiplication tables at school. He would rather work as an acrobat at the circus, just like his friend Susanne. When the class plans a trip to the circus, Peter is supposed to buy the tickets. Since he miscounts and buys one ticket less than needed, he cannot join his schoolmates. Susanne, however, comes up with an idea and lets him work in the circus arena where he is supposed to check on the arithmetic problems of a numerate donkey. When Peter fails to control the donkey, he feels deeply ashamed and has to assess that math is needed in all parts of life.
Ein Sommertag macht keine Liebe
Mutter Lammers
During a weekend spent on the island Hiddensee, the snobbish high school student Jan, who has just been expelled from school, meets Christine. Christine is impressed with his bragging attitude although he just uses it to hide his insecurity and his remorse about the fact that he was sacked. Naturally, he keeps quiet about his current situation. Christine’s companion Hannes is less thrilled about Jan. Later on, the three of them meet again at a dockyard in Stralsund. After the disreputable end of his school career, Jan is assigned to the very brigade in which Christine and Hannes work as a crane operator and a brigadier respectively.
Der Fremde
Die heute über 40 sind
Frau Weidtlich
Film by Kurt Jung-Alsen.
Gerichtet bei Nacht
Anna Wagner
Hochmut kommt vor dem Knall
Sylvia Lehmann
Die Entscheidung des Dr. Ahrendt
Film by Frank Vogel.
Erich Kubak
Film by Johannes Arpe.
Reportage 57
Die Premiere fällt aus
Ein Mädchen von 16 ½
Fräulein Peters
The young orphan Helga is raised by her aunt after WW II. At the age of sixteen, she turns her back to go her own way. As a rambler, Helga wanders through the night streets of Berlin and has brief acquaintances.
Nur eine Frau
Sheriff Teddy
Frau Müller
A story about thirteen years old Kalle who is moving with the family from West Berlin to East.
Berlin, Schoenhauser Corner
Angelas Mutter
The corner Schönhauser Allee in East Berlin is the main meeting-point for a group of adolescents. Dieter is a construction worker who falls in love with Angela. She, in turn, spends time with the clique whenever her mother is occupied with her new lover. "Kohle" stays away from home to avoid his dad's alcohol problem, and Karl-Heinz is on his way to becoming a small-time criminal. Due to their interest in western music and culture they are regarded as no-goods and rowdies. Things get interesting when an incident forces Dieter and "Kohle" to escape to West Germany. Written by c.winter
Two Mothers
Hedwig Schindler
The story of two women, one French and the other German, who fight for a child who has been mistakenly taken by the Germans after a bomb raid.
Bahrenburg Stories
Karins Mutter
A story about a group of children in German town of Bahrenburg who are trying to build themselves a swimming pool.
Castles and Cottages
Christel Sikura
Lifelong hard work for the count makes the servant Anton a cripple. Everybody calls him Crooked Anton. When, after the end of the war, the land of the count gets divided amongst the farmers, Anton receives a piece and hopes to be able to work freely. But an old debt and intrigue keep Anton and his family from finding peace. The farmers of the village begin to discover their own power when Annegret, Anton's daughter, leaves. Is a new beginning possible for Anton? This film paints an impressive panorama of the development of a minor village in Mecklenburg from the end of the war to the uprising of 17 June 1953.
Stronger Than the Night
Gerda Löning
The story of a resistance fighter in the Nazi era: Communist Hans Löning was arrested in 1933, imprisoned in a concentration camp and tortured. The Gestapo plans to smash the resistance group around Löning. Despite the imminent threat to his life, Löning, together with his wife, organized the passive resistance of the Hamburg workers against the Hitler regime. In 1944, Löning was again taken and killed.
Das verurteilte Dorf
Käthe Vollmer
East German propaganda film about an american army base trying to take away land from a west german village.