Albert Naquin


Cambio climático: Salvemos al planeta
Tras uno de los años más calurosos registrados, Sir David Attenborough examina la ciencia del cambio climático y las posibles soluciones a esta amenaza global. Algunos de los científicos climáticos más prominentes entrevistados analizan recientes condiciones meteorológicas extremas, como tormentas sin precedentes e incendios catastróficos, y revelan lo que unos peligrosos niveles de cambio climático podrían significar tanto para la población humana como el mundo natural en el futuro.
Can't Stop the Water
For 170 years, a Native American community has occupied Isle de Jean Charles, a tiny island deep in the bayous of Louisiana. They have fished, hunted, and lived off the land. Now the land that has sustained them for generations is vanishing before their eyes. Coastal erosion, sea level rise, and increasing storms are overwhelming the island. Over the last fifty years, Isle de Jean Charles has been gradually shrinking, and it is now almost gone. For these Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Indians, their land is more than simply a place to live. It is the epicenter of their people and traditions. They now must prepare to say goodbye to the place, where, for eight generations, their ancestors cultivated a unique part of Louisiana culture.