Idit Cebula

Idit Cebula


Idit Cebula


Prudence Ledoux
La mère
Prudence Ledoux is 35 and unhappy with her life when she gets hit by a motorcycle. At the hospital, she meets Theo who provoked the accident.
Starring Grandma
Frankie Wallach, 25-year-old director, is fascinated by her grand-mother Julia, 94 years old, her death camp survivor story and her joyful personality. She wants to immortalize her as an heroine of fiction for her movie but it's without thinking about the other members of the family, who will want to be a part of it. At the Wallach's, everything is... FULL OF LOVE !
Everything Now
Judith Halimi
This gripping and wrenching thriller tells the story of Ilan Halimi who was kidnapped for ransom in a Paris suburb. His captors, who dub themselves The Gang of Barbarians, operate under the assumption that his Jewish heritage means he is worth a lot of money. Taking the audience through the harrowing experience of the Halimi family and sharing a searing insight into Ilan's vicious ordeal, the story tracks the massive but futile investigation doomed by near-misses and tragedy that triggered a national outcry. For 24 days the police, insistent upon handling the case as a normal for-ransom kidnapping, failed to recognize the anti-Semitic overtones of the abduction. Faithfully reenacting events from the view of the various characters, Tout, tout de suite raises troubling questions about the state of anti-Semitism and race relations in contemporary France.
Eva & Leon
Le psy
Leon arrives in Eva's life one morning, on the terrace of a café. The little boy settles down, asks for hot chocolate. The young woman, 35, without children, takes her home, calls social services and learns that Leon has run away from home. Eva has to bring him back but eventually delays the deadline. She who leads an idle existence, sheltered from need, attaches herself to the little boy. Called to order by the authorities, she ignores and tells Leon that they are now on the run. Together, they go to Italy in search of the mother of the little boy ...
Rue Mandar
When their beloved Polish immigrant mother passes away, the sisters Emma (Kiberlain) and Rosemonde (Devos), and their brother, Charles (Berry), are obliged to deal with the personal and physical aftereffects, which include the cozy, old fashioned flat where she lived on the movie’s titular street (located in the heart of Paris’ chic 2nd arrondissement).
Two Lives Plus One
Everyone knows that Eliane Weiss is dedicated in everything she does, from her husband, to her daughter and pupils. But not everyone knows that she longs for more - more time for her, more fun, more thrills. So when she decides to start working on her passion, writing, and incidentally meets an attractive publisher, everyone is taken by surprise. As their seemingly perfect life starts to fall apart, everyone will have to readjust to the new Eliane Weiss.
Two Lives Plus One
Everyone knows that Eliane Weiss is dedicated in everything she does, from her husband, to her daughter and pupils. But not everyone knows that she longs for more - more time for her, more fun, more thrills. So when she decides to start working on her passion, writing, and incidentally meets an attractive publisher, everyone is taken by surprise. As their seemingly perfect life starts to fall apart, everyone will have to readjust to the new Eliane Weiss.
Aquellos días felices
Mme Marciano
Historia de unos jóvenes en un campamento de verano. Batallas de comida, los primeros amores, los primeros pitillos a escondidas, los primeros guateques, excursiones a museos que son un "tostón", noches de acampada, canciones junto al fuego... Los ligues de los monitores, las locuras de los chicos, las visitas sorpresa de los inspectores de sanidad y los "previsibles imprevistos", harán las vacaciones más movidas de lo esperado.
Nina's House
Sylvie and Georges' mother
Starting in 1944 in the wake of the Liberation and continuing into the '60s, 'houses of hope' were established to lend a semblance of continuity to youngsters orpahaned by the war. Nina's Home takes place between September 1944 and January 1946 in an orphanage housed in a chateau outside Paris. At the outset, the country residence is run by Nina who has a core population of French Jewish children whose parents are probably dead. Food is scarce. News of the Concentration Camps hasn't hit yet, but some months later, a contingent of youths arrive form the liberated camps. The children are a disparate, wild, damaged group and conflicts ensue. Nina's challenge is to help them make their first delicate moves toward the future and in the process restore all of them, including herself, to life.
The Pleasure Is All Mine
A beautiful, self-centered young woman's life turns upside down when she suddenly "loses her clitoris" (i.e. her ability to have an orgasm).
Los ríos de color púrpura 2: Los ángeles del Apocalipsis
Mère de Kevin
Para Niemans el hombre que encontraron emparedado en un monasterio de Lorena no es una víctima cualquiera. Las marcas esotéricas grabadas a su alrededor y el extraño rito de su sacrificio hacen pensar en algo muy distinto… Paralelamente, en la zona se van multiplicando los asesinatos. En todos los casos unos misteriosos monjes dotados de una fuerza sobrenatural eliminan de manera espectacular a una serie de desconocidos y luego desaparecen sin dejar rastro. ¿Quiénes son estos ángeles del apocalipsis que van sembrando el terror? ¿Qué relación tienen con las profecías de las sagradas escrituras? Niemans y Reda (Benoît Magimel) no entienden nada, hasta que se dan cuenta de que todas las víctimas tienen el mismo nombre y la misma profesión que los apóstoles.
Nathalie X
Catherine (Fanny Ardant), una atractiva ginecóloga de mediana edad y casada desde hace 25 años, descubre un día que su marido (Gérard Depardieu) la engaña. Decide entonces vengarse y, para ello, contrata a Nathalie (Emmanuelle Béart), una prostituta de un nightclub.
Crime Scenes
The disappearance of a young woman puts two forensic police officers on the trail of a serial killer. Their fears are confirmed by the discovery of several corpses, what follows is a long hunt across Paris.
La tentation de l'innocence
Raphaëlle André is a brillant lawyer. The enigmatic death of her husband lead her into an investigation where she discovers new sides of the life of her late husband.