Clément Claude


La Légère Déviation des atomes
Sound Editor
Elsewhere, Everywhere
A computer screen, images from the four corners of the world. We cross borders in one-click while another trip’s story reach us in bits, through text messages, chats, phone conversations, and an immigration office’s questionnaire. It’s the journey of Shahin, a 20-year-old Iranian boy who, fleeing his country alone, lands in Greece, then winds his way to England where he claims asylum.
Entre les tombes
Sound Editor
Charles is an old and lonely cemetery keeper. One night at closing time, a visitor calls him out: He's looking for his biological mom's grave. Charles doesn't recognize the dead woman's name, but confronted to that man's distress and determination, he decides to help him. There starts an unusual night for both of them.
Moi, Covidou
My wicked, smart, lovely niece Molly, 10 years old, imagines the life and death of the virus Covidou.
Avant d'oublier Héliopolis
My family have begun to forget their Egyptian roots and, on asking my grandmother Malo to recount the first part of her life in Cairo, I am confronted by the memories of an exiled Arabic woman, lost in a troubled sea of memories, soon to be erased by the passage of time. I start a tour to trace her steps and understand who she is, and therefore who we are. An Egypt appears where her past, my imaginings and the present Heliopolis mix together as night falls.
A Little Break
Sound Editor
On vacation with her cousin in a coastal Normand village, 16-year-old Charlotte meets a young man. He’s older, and he’s not really available. But it’s summer. And Charlotte is looking for romance.
Sálvese quien pueda
Second Unit Director
El propietario de una empresa de diseño y venta de yates decide echar a su diseñador más famoso. En seguida se da cuenta de que ha tomado la decisión de manera precipitada pues comprende que lo necesita para cerrar un importante trato con unos italianos. No le queda más remedio que tragarse su orgullo e ir en su busca, para lo que tendrá que dirigirse a un pueblo de la Francia profunda, donde las cosas no harán más que empeorar.
La verdad
Assistant Director
Dominique Marceau es juzgada por el asesinato de Gilbert Tellier, un músico lleno de talento recién salido del Conservatorio. Los abogados intentan encontrar un móvil que explique su conducta. ¿Pasión, venganza o accidente? Entre los testigos están los conocidos de Gilbert, los antiguos amantes de Dominique y, además, su hermana Anne, estudiante de violín y prometida de Gilbert. Los datos que van proporcionando los testigos permiten reconstruir las personalidades de Dominique y Gilbert y son más útiles que las elocuentes alegaciones de los abogados.