Stuart Warmflash


Unforgotten: Twenty-Five Years After Willowbrook
It was a nightmare that shocked not only New York, but all of America. The public outcry about the Willowbrook State School for people with developmental disabilities resulted from Geraldo Rivera's expose on WABC after he had entered Willowbrook with a film crew in 1972, using a stolen key.
Promesa de muerte
Charly Raman y Speedy son dos íntimos amigos que tienen como hobby la práctica de las artes marciales. Les entrena Louis Raman, padre de Charly, que en sus viejos tiempos fue boxeador. Un dia en un enfretamiento con unos mafiosos, Louis resulta muerto. Al enterarse de la noticia, Charly y Speedy emprenden una implacable persecucion en busca de venganza.
Valley Forge
George Washington struggles to hold his army together at a critical point during the Revolutionary War.