Hajime Sato


Ice Ribbon New Ice Ribbon #902 ~ Ryogoku KFC Ribbon
As I mentioned at the top, this was a rough spot for them. It was a perfectly fine match but it had little chance of being better than the two matches that came before it as while both have a lot of spunk they aren't on the same level as Nakajima, Fujimoto, Sakura, etc. Yuuka in particular is still growing, seems like a bit of a stretch to put her in the main event of their biggest show but they must see a lot in her down the road. The emotion was there by the wrestlers and Sera has gotten a mean streak recently, but the transitions were shaky and I never brought into Yuuka having a chance of winning. Solid and fun, but that is about as far as it went.
Sexual Parasite: Killer Pussy
Lighting Technician
Un grupo de decadentes jóvenes japoneses se quedan sin gasolina en mitad del Amazonas y abandonan el vehículo en busca de ayuda. Cuando llevan un buen trecho encuentran una extraña factoría abandonada y deciden hacer un alto en el camino… Poco sospechan que en su interior se encuentra congelado un peligroso parásito que produce en sus víctimas femeninas un voraz (literalmente) apetito sexual.