Chloe Romanski


Young Lilly
After visiting her father's grave, Lilly and her mother are involved in a terrible car accident leaving Lilly orphaned and unable to see. In her youth, she struggles with her blindness and begins to hear voices. Unbeknownst to her they don't belong to the living. After years of learning to cope, Lilly is now happily married with a baby on the way. Lilly soon discovers her unborn baby has become a vessel a second chance for souls stuck in limbo to be re-born. She only has until the baby's first heartbeat to decide which soul will be re-born through her. Now the voices she heard in her youth have returned, clamoring for the chance to come back. Among the voices, she befriends the spirit of a little girl tied to a years-old cold case. Lilly finds herself in a desperate struggle with the girl's murderers and the souls vying to be born again.
Tras ser abandonado por su padre cuando aún era un niño y tras ser criado por su madre, una persona emocionalmente inestable, la única vida que conoce Peel Munter (Emile Hirsch) se encuentra entre las cuatro paredes de su casa de toda la vida. La muerte de su madre cambia radicalmente sus circunstancias, viéndose forzado a alquilar varias habitaciones de su hogar a personas desconocidas a las que pronto comienza a considerar su nueva familia. Sin embargo, sus nuevos amigos no tardan en traicionarle, algo que lleva a Peel Munter a buscar desesperadamente a sus hermanos, con los que perdió el contacto hace algunas décadas.