Elika Crespo


Elika Crespo is an actress, singer, dancer and TV personality.


Playin' for Love
Coach Banks (Robert Townsend) is used to calling all the shots for his championship high school basketball team and in his own love life. But that’s about to change when he meets, Talisa McCoy (Salli Richardson-Whitfield), the mother of a star player, new to Jackson high. She’s a beautiful, strong-willed single mom, with her own ideas on a winning team…and the perfect man. Now, this coach will have to learn a few new plays if he’s going to stay in the game.
Fast Lane
Cuando la policía puede detectar que hay toda una organización en la ciudad que es responsable del robo de cientos de coches nuevos y de lujo; organiza una brigada especial para atraparlos. Por tanto, Brandy, una detective muy hermosa, se infiltrará en aquella organización con el fin de desarticularla, y enviar información a sus superiores a fin de atrapar al cabecilla.
Infused with sex, passion and betrayal, SPIN is the story of Latinos striving to attain the American Dream within the sexy Latin Music world of Miami.