Taking its cue from the successful American Pie franchise, Dale Steely's sex comedy Sweet Potato Pie follows the exploits of three friends named Chuck, Perry, and Trey. The threesome set out on a road trip in order to try and shed their pesky virginity, and end up involved with a sexually seasoned woman named Anaconda, a horny and very overweight neighbor, and the title food.
Down on their luck, buddies Jamal (William L. Johnson) and Kenny (Benjamin Stephens) decide that the only way they can pluck themselves out of poverty during the summer is to sell oranges from a local kiosk. The new venture seems to be the perfect solution to their financial woes except for one tiny problem: It's hard to keep your mind on business when you're surrounded by beautiful babes. Trey Haley directs this fresh, freewheeling comedy.
Party Girl at House Screaming
Bill Gluckman (Ryan O'Neal), un rico judío de Malibú candidato a gobernador de California, ve peligrar su carrera política por culpa de su hijo (Jamie Kennedy), un niño rico que, en su afán de convertirse en rapero, no cesa de poner en evidencia a su progenitor cada vez que habla y actúa como tal. Así que Bill, decidido a darle una lección y esperando quitarle de la cabeza la idea de ser rapero, contrata a dos actores para que, haciéndose pasar por gángsteres, secuestren a su hijo y le enseñen lo "duro" que es el mundo en el que se quiere introducir.