Lehel Kovács

Lehel Kovács


Lehel Kovács


The Legend of the Gold Train
In the endgame of WWII a few hundred bank employees and their family members rescued Hungary's entire gold reserves on a train from the Soviet army and were hiding it in a small Austrian village until the end of the war.
Ida regénye
The love of 34-year-old Dora's life, has broken up with her-or worse: he has remarried. Her only joy, the pastry shop she owns, also appears to be lost. She makes up her mind to get both her ex-boyfriend and her pastry shop back, even if it means she has to lie. Along the way, she meets other families, as well as her ex-boyfriend's new wife. These meetings make her realise the love she is clinging onto has no real basis. Dora stops living in a state of romantic self-pity, puts an end to the lying and opens up to the possibility of a new real relationship.
Relationship dramedy about an everyday couple adventuring through the confusing thrills of non-monogamy.
The hero of Pigeonberry is a young boy, who attributes his mother's severe illness and his own distress to the wrongdoing of dark, mysterious forces.
A Kind of America 3
Mike Madden
Erno Blaskovich lo ha perdido todo tras la Revolución Húngara de 1848, pero Kincsem, un magnífico caballo, dará un giro a su vida hasta ese momento vacía, sin sentido y autodestructiva, dándole una oportunidad de cobrarse venganza y recuperar su amor y su honor.
Couch Surf
A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution.
Nem tűntem el - Richter Gedeon története
The Exam
Budapest, Hungría, Navidad de 1957. El Estado, inseguro después del fracaso de la revolución de 1956 y sometido cada vez más a la influencia de una renovada atmósfera estalinista, ha decretado que todos los oficiales de seguridad deben pasar un examen para verificar su lealtad. Pero para ser realmente efectivo en un mundo sombrío donde reinan la sospecha y los secretos, los sujetos deben ignorar que están siendo probados.
Two suspiciously well-dressed men have a few drinks in a bar and then ominously head off into the night to finish a mysterious job.
Made in Hungaria
Los padres de Miklós Fenyö regresaron a la Hungría comunista a mediados de los años sesenta, cuando todos los demás huían hacia el oeste. Los viejos amigos de Miki no saben qué hacer con su escandalosa ropa, su impecable acento americano y su colección original de Buddy Holly 45s. Su novia de la infancia es fría y distante, mientras que el tipo duro local Röné no se conmueve ante el desafío de su corona de rock 'n' roll. Pero eso no es todo. Cuando las autoridades ven el efecto que las caderas giratorias y la música obscena de Miki tienen sobre las adolescentes, no lo tolerarán. El trabajo de su padre está en juego y, por primera vez, Miki debe cumplir las reglas. No tiene más remedio que ingresar al concurso de talentos local ...
Intimate Headshot
The plot of the film takes place in a single day. Four men on the same night, the same night club ends up independently of each other, at the end of a busy day. The four men four separate history of sexuality is the focus.
A collage of human fates, where all shown characters are suffering from panic attacks. Stories like a policeman who is willing to come out or a young business woman who achieved her life goals too early.
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