Stefanie Schmitz


Cuando una estudiante de ciencias Asli conoce al carismático Saeed a mediados de los 90, es amor a primera vista. Los amantes se casan y Asli jura ser fiel a Saeed y nunca revelar sus secretos. Su futuro parece brillante, pero a medida que amanece el siglo XXI, Saeed toma una decisión que no solo hará añicos los sueños de Asli, sino que sacudirá al mundo entero: será uno de los pilotos que perpetró el atentado al World Trade Center.
Back for Good
Three women, one family: Monika the mother, Angie the older sister and Kiki the baby of the family. Angie is a reality-TV star who is doggedly clinging onto her fading career. Fresh out of rehab, she suddenly finds herself without any money, friends or a place to live and is condemned to returning to her mother in her hated dump of a hometown. Angie's teenage sister Kiki is also finding life tough-going. Due to her epilepsy, her mother Monika insists that she wears a freaky protective helmet. The consequence: Kiki is ostracised and bullied, her life has long since become the hell from which her mother is trying to protect her.
Production Design
Marriages gone wrong. Divorces gone right.