Peter Rutherford


Ovejas asesinas
En una remota granja de Nueva Zelanda un científico está realizando un irresponsable programa de ingeniería genética que intenta crear la "oveja perfecta". Cuando un grupo de ineptos activistas medioambientales deja en libertad a un cordero mutante, miles de ovejas se convierten en depredadoras sedientos de sangre cuyo objetivo es acabar con la raza humana.
Event 16
A young inventor, Matt, is on a breakthrough creation in his garage workshop, but is about to lose his girlfriend due to his obsession, when a man walks into the workshop through a wall that his invention created. Soon police, undercover agents and murderers are all hunting for Matt and his girlfriend in a race not only against, but through, time.
Futile Attraction
Randal Fudhurst
A mockumentary about a film crew making a New Zealand reality television show about a couple brought together by a dating service. However due to their being incompatible, the film crew tries to manipulate them to get the film they want for the show.