Amir M. Korangy

Amir M. Korangy


Amir M. Korangy


Davit the GoGo Driver
Desesperado por conseguir nuevos "followers", Kurt Kunkle es el conductor de un Uber que ha ingeniado un plan mortífero para hacerse viral.
Noche en el museo: El secreto del faraón
1938 Egyptian Worker
La tabla de Ahkmenrah, la que hace que las estatuas de los museos cobren vida, está perdiendo su magia. En un intento desesperado para proteger el valioso tesoro, Larry Daley viajará junto a sus amigos Theodore Roosevelt -Robin Williams en su última película-, el faraón Ahkmenrah, Atila, Jebediah Smith, Augustus Octavius y Sacagawea desde Nueva York hasta Londres. Allí intentarán contactar con alguien del Museo de Londres que les ayude a restaurar la magia y conocerán a Sir Lancelot y otros personajes del antiguo Egipto.
A chronicle of lives lost in a school shooting. In the wake of another tragedy, we get a glimpse of each victim and see who they were, who they loved, who they hurt, and who they wanted to be.
Stepping High
STEPPING OUT Sima, while stunningly beautiful, has failed to fulfill her dreams as a professional dancer. She is on the wrong side of thirty, being aged out, and is forced to take a job as a teacher at a conservative local high school. Much to her surprise, it sparks the choreographer in her -- a talent she has been nurturing in private not only to battle her self-doubt and depression but to create a new and unique fusion of belly and ballroom styles.
Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask
Male Nurse
Explores the life and work of the psychoanalytic theorist and activist Frantz Fanon who was born in Martinique, educated in Paris and worked in Algeria. Examines Fanon's theories of identity and race, and traces his involvement in the anti-colonial struggle in Algeria and throughout the world.
True account of the six men held hostage by religious extremists in Beirut during the Reagan-Bush era.
Atraco a falda armada
Iranian Bidder
Dos científicos, el estadounidense Daniel Hicklar y el inglés Sir John Bavistock, descubren un sistema de producción de electricidad barata a partir de la fusión nuclear. Al mismo tiempo, un par de ladrones, Sidney Lipton y Gerard Bradley, y una atractiva viuda, proyectan robarles tres millones de libras en diamantes.
Wine Steward
Atormentado por haber visto morir a sus padres delante suyo, Bruce Wayne se enfunda cada noche en el traje de Batman, adopta la terrorífica forma de un murciélago y surca los tejados de Gotham City combatiendo el crimen y manteniendo a raya la corrupción de su ciudad. Pero esta vez Batman tendrá que enfrentarse a su más terrible enemigo, El Joker, que pretende someter a toda la ciudad bajo los deseos de su mente perturbada.
Leave to Remain
Embassy Official
Set during the political upheaval following Ayatollah Khomeini's rise to power in Iran, Les Blair's gripping work tells the story of Shahin Mohamedi, a young Iranian woman studying in London. When the cheques her father sends from home are intercepted by the Khomeini government, she is threatened with repatriation by vicious British immigration officers. To remain in England she must be granted 'Leave To Remain'. Enter Jimmy Johnstone, an English wide-boy strapped for cash and willing to perform the paper marriage that will ensure Shahin's freedom. Jimmy wants to build on the relationship, but Shahin's heart is a thousand miles away with her old fiance.