IMAGÉTICA DA MORTE (2019) is a student fashion film written and directed by Pedro Linguitte and Maria Carolina Baraldi. It explores the different densities and colours of death. And also rebirth. It's death with a twist.
IMAGÉTICA DA MORTE (2019) is a student fashion film written and directed by Pedro Linguitte and Maria Carolina Baraldi. It explores the different densities and colours of death. And also rebirth. It's death with a twist.
IMAGÉTICA DA MORTE (2019) is a student fashion film written and directed by Pedro Linguitte and Maria Carolina Baraldi. It explores the different densities and colours of death. And also rebirth. It's death with a twist.
IMAGÉTICA DA MORTE (2019) is a student fashion film written and directed by Pedro Linguitte and Maria Carolina Baraldi. It explores the different densities and colours of death. And also rebirth. It's death with a twist.
há amor nesta casa is an autofictional short film by Brazilian filmmaker Pedro Linguitte
há amor nesta casa is an autofictional short film by Brazilian filmmaker Pedro Linguitte
há amor nesta casa is an autofictional short film by Brazilian filmmaker Pedro Linguitte