Melinda Kinnaman

Melinda Kinnaman

Nacimiento : 1971-11-09, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden


Melinda Kinnaman (born 9 November 1971) is a Swedish-American actress.


Melinda Kinnaman


La isla de Bergman
Gira en torno a una pareja de cineastas estadounidenses que se retiran a la isla durante el verano para escribir guiones para sus próximas películas en un peregrinaje al lugar que inspiró a Bergman. A medida que el verano y sus guiones avanzan, las líneas entre la realidad y la ficción comienza a desenfocarse en el contexto del paisaje salvaje de la isla.
La estrella de los simios
Gerd (voice)
Jonna ha vivido en el orfanato toda su vida. Un día llega una gorila y la adopta. A Jonna le lleva algo de tiempo acostumbrarse a su nueva madre, pero, cuando las cosas empezaban a ir bien, las autoridades locales amenazan su existencia.
Tiempos de Oscuridad
Dinamarca, 9 de abril de 1940. Un industrial danés coopera y se beneficia de la ocupación alemana de Dinamarca. Mientras que su familia se encuentra en lados opuestos del conflicto.
Gordon y Paddy
Paddy (voice)
El jefe de policía del bosque Gordon está a punto de retirarse y debe encontrar un nuevo asistente. Paddy, una ratoncita inteligente con un gran sentido del olfato parece ser la candidata adecuada. Juntos tienen que resolver el último caso de Gordon: el misterio de las bellotas de la ardilla desaparecidas. ¿Podría ser la zorra quien se las ha llevado? Gordon y Paddy lo investigarán, y en su tarea se darán cuenta de que no hay que hacer caso a las conclusiones demasiado rápidas.
The Voyage
The year is 1941 in Sweden and Astrid seeks independence by trying to become a train conductor. On the train she meets an older passenger Dora, which she feels attracted to. Astrid also faces a more dark and hostile world on board as she discovers that the staff has put in system to reject unwanted passengers such as Romans and Jews.
Mariana Hermansson
A man takes law into his own hands after the search for his daughter's murderer and rapist fails and instead the police go after him.
The Things You Cannot See
A young woman, who has almost given up hope of finding love, runs into someone in a cramped elevator. Someone who revives all her longings. The only problem is that she doesn't know he is or what he looks like.
woman in bed
As result of an accident, a young woman can no longer move, but still see and hear.
Strings (Cuerdas)
Zita (voice)
El hijo de un rey inicia un viaje buscando venganza por la muerte de su padre. Dicho viaje se terminará convirtiéndose en un viaje de realización y encuentro.
The Stockholm Syndrome
This is the true story of the failed bank robbery-cum-hostage taking in a bank at the square Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, in September 1973. The Stockholm Syndrome is named after this incident.
All Hell Let Loose
Minoo returns to her family in Sweden to attend her sister Gita's wedding. Her mother and father believe that she has disgraced the family having worked as a stripper.
Light Keeps Me Company
Narrator (voice)
Carl-Gustaf Nykvist's documentary about his father, Sven Nykvist. The film is based on Sven's memoirs with Sven himself as narrator. A journey to the place of birth, Moheda, constitutes the hub of the film and during the journey friends and memories emerge. Written by Fredrik Klasson
María, madre de Jesús
Young Mary
Desde la vida en común de María y José hasta la crucifixión de Jesús. Esta es la historia de una vida llena de dolor y de gozo, la vida de la Virgen María. Después de dar a luz a Jesús, María tuvo que protegerle de Herodes, le vio crecer y enfrentarse a su pueblo proclamándose el Mesías. Finalmente fue testigo de su muerte en la cruz y de su resurrección.
Personkrets 3:1
A lot of hell and very little heaven heaven among homeless and damaged characters in Stockholm. The young heroin addict couple, the slippery pimp, a mentally ill poet, are some of the personalities we are being served.
Play Off
Johan is a 35 year old soccer fan, unemployed but living by his wits and charm. During the Soccer World Championships in 1990 all Swedes want to follow the games, including Johan who doesn't own a TV set. He gets himself invited to friends or goes to bars to see matches. He is pursued by two hit men, as he owes money for a grand piano he was supposed to sell. Johan seeks the help of down-and-out Kenneth to avoid bodily harm. Kenneth arranges for Johan to smuggle 15 Iraqi from Frankfurt to Sweden. On the same night Sweden plays the fateful game against Costa Rica...
Ett sorts Hades
About the individuals who live in a mad-house. This kind of people usually seem to be quite normal. However, from one scene to another they may dramatically change, thereby revealing their deep problems with themselves and the society they cannot live in anymore.
Ellinors bröllop
Lines from the Heart
The trio of actresses have ostensibly gathered to pay tribute to Mai Zetterling, but also reminisce about their own careers and the illustrious figures, including Ingmar Bergman, they have worked with.
Sunday's Children
Blind girl
Little Pu spends a summer in Norrland with all his relatives. He and his brother get to hear the story about the watchmaker who hung himself, learns to shoot with a bow and follow his father on a bicycle trip.
The Father
A charged power struggle between spouses. A tug of war to the death of an only child as ends and means. From an August Strindberg play.
Time of the Wolf
The young nobleman Inge is riding through Sweden, looking for his twin brother, Arild. He meets a group of gypsies who welcome him. They met Arild earlier and believe that the brother is Arild. Inge falls in love with the mysterious girl Isis.
The Serpent's Way
Eva as a Child
A salesman and his son sexually abuse the generations of women of a poor family as payment for debt. Janni must see his mother, sister, niece and wife all being exploited, and the family grow bigger with the abuser's kids.
Mi vida como un perro
Gran éxito del cine sueco de los años ochenta. Narra la odisea de un niño de doce años a quien el abandono paterno y la enfermedad de su madre conducen a un pequeño pueblo del interior del país. Una amarga crónica de la infancia, basada en hechos reales, alabada por la crítica del mundo entero.