Matas Dirgincius


Elena imparte clases de baile, mientras que Dovydas trabaja como intérprete de lenguaje de signos. En el momento en que se conocen, se establece un hermoso vínculo entre ellos. Sin embargo, su relación será puesta a prueba cuando Dovydas confiesa a Elena que tiene sentimientos románticos por ella, pero es asexual, es decir, no siente y nunca ha sentido deseo sexual por otra persona.
I Was Max
Max goes on a date with another guy, Tadas, whom he met online. Max feels uncomfortable and timid so Tadas decides to act on his own initiative. He tries to get to know Max as they embark on a night ride around the city but Max is evasive to talk about himself. Max feels torn between his feelings and Tadas' pressure. Eventually he breaks down and reveals his true identity.
Nova Lituania
Student I
During the interwar period, a Lithuanian geography professor tries to convince the government to establish a backup state overseas, in order to save their country from ruin. However, the idea is mostly mocked and opposed. Still, there is hope in the secret support from the elderly prime minister, who has become disillusioned with politics.