Lee Kyung-young

Lee Kyung-young

Nacimiento : 1960-12-12, Chungju, North Chungcheong, South Korea


Lee Kyung-young (이경영) is a South Korean actor. He was born on December 12, 1960.


Lee Kyung-young
Lee Kyung-young


A Birth
Lee Woong-sik
"Birth" deals in depth with the patience and courage of Kim Taegon, a young man who had to create his own hope, his willingness to throw his body, and his love for God and man that he showed throughout his life.
Come Back Home
Gi-se is a failed comedian and estranged son of a mob boss who left his hometown for the city years ago. After his father’s death, his gag show shuts down and he becomes jobless overnight. He decides to return to his hometown, where he meets his old friends and first love Young-shim. He tries to find his place to belong and dreams of a new life. But soon things change radically and he finds himself inheriting his father’s position as a local crime boss that leads him to face the truth about his father’s death.
Chairman Kang Yoon-tae
The truth of illegal sale of land and illegal eviction of residents was revealed at the worst National Assembly hearing that was overshadowed by the 2002 World Cup.
Dulce y amargo
Una pareja afronta las oportunidades y retos del mundo real mientras lidia con los problemas que conlleva mantener a flote una relación a distancia.
Killing Diva
The story of a singer who debuted as a teenager and became middle-aged after a splendid time.
Ashfall: Alerta Roja
General Choi
Un volcán en la montaña Baekdu entra en erupción de repente. El pandemonio se produce en la península de Corea, con más erupciones previstas en el área. Para evitar otro desastre, Jeon Yoo Kyung planea una operación basada en una teoría del profesor Kang Bong Rae. Él había estudiado la montaña Baekdu y sus posibles erupciones. Jo In Chang es el capitán de un equipo de fuerzas especiales. Tiene la tarea de participar en la operación, que mantiene el destino de Corea del Sur y del Norte en juego. Jo In Chang contacta a Lee Joon Pyeong quien es parte del Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas del Pueblo de Corea del Norte. Mientras tanto, la esposa de Jo In Chang, Choi Ji Young está sola en Seúl. Ella lucha por sobrevivir contra el desastre.
Black Money
Lee Kwang-ju
A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.
Race to Freedom: Um Bok-dong
Uhm Sun-yang
During the Japanese colonial rule of Korea, while people are in despair, Jae-ho tries to raise morale by winning cycle championship. Bok-dong, who started cycling with Jae-ho just to make a forture, becomes a symbol of hope for Koreans by defeating Japanese cyclists.
Antigua Corea, 1506. El tiránico rey Yeonsan-gun de Joseon es derrocado por su medio hermano Jung-jong, cuyo reinado comienza con un baño de sangre. A lo largo de los años, los traidores conspiran contra él, sumiendo el reino en el caos. En 1528, llegan al palacio real rumores aterradores sobre una misteriosa criatura, conocida como Monstrum por los campesinos.
Junto a los dioses: Los últimos 49 días
Oh-gwan / God of Injustice Hell
La continuación de Junto a los Dioses: Los dos mundos. Su-Hong y sus tres guardianes del más allá viajan a través de los siete infiernos para conseguir reencarnarse. Mientras, un dios desafía todas las reglas para ayudar a gente común en el mundo de los vivos.
Killer Park
Un grupo grande y diverso de personas se enredan entre sí para tener en sus manos una pistola y una bolsa de golf llena de dinero.
So-Eun is a safe breaker planner. She plans a heist with expert safe breaker Jang-Choon and thief-actor Cheol-Soo. They dream of changing their lives with this job. Meanwhile, Gyu-Cheol is former elite prosecutor, but he lost his memory in a mysterious accident. Nowadays he does foolish acts.
Along with the Gods: Los dos mundos
Oh-gwan / God of Injustice Hell
Tras morir de forma inesperada, el bombero Ja-hong es llevado al más allá por tres guardianes. Sólo si pasa una serie de juicios durante y demuestra que es inocente en su vida, es apto para reencarnarse. Sus tres guardianes le apoyarán y le defenderán.
Man of Will
Lee Jae-jung (uncredited)
Young Kim Chang-Soo is placed behind bars, charged with murdering a Japanese person who took part in Empress Myeongseong's assassination. In prison, Kim Chang-Soo sees how Koreans are persecuted and grows into a fighter for Korean independence.
Battleship Island
Yoon Hak-chul
Durante la época colonial japonesa, alrededor de 400 personas de Corea, que se vieron obligados a ir a la Isla Acorazado ("Isla Hashima") a extraer carbón, intentan escapar.
No Yeom (uncredited)
Jang Tae Yeong es un solucionador de problemas popular en el mundo criminal. Él es frío y ambicioso. Él sueña con construir un hotel de casino algún día. Un reportero luego va a Jang Tae Yeong.
El Despiadado (The Merciless)
Jae Ho es el prisionero que hace reglas y ejerce el mayor poder entre los reclusos. Fuera de la prisión, él era el hombre # 2 en una banda criminal, pero es lo suficientemente ambicioso como para ir tras el puesto # 1 después de su liberación. Un día, Jae Ho conoce al nuevo prisionero Hyun Soo, quien no sigue las reglas de la prisión y no se somete a nadie.
The Mayor
Old man (cameo) (uncredited)
For the first time in Korean history, the mayor of Seoul attempts a third term in office, with his entire campaign team ready to soil their hands.
The Prison
Director Bae
Un expolicía es encarcelado por un accidente. En la cárcel, descubrirá que hay un preso, que lleva un sindicato del crimen, que lo controla todo con la ayuda de los guardas que le proporcionan seguridad.
I'm Doing Fine in Middle School
A story about mothers and their achievements through a mother who was once a Taekwondo champion but is now an ordinary mother with an adolescent son.
New Trial
Attorney Goo Pil-ho
Un taxista es encontrado muerto, y Hyun-woo, el único testigo, acusado de un asesinato y cumple 10 años de prisión. Mientras ofrece servicios pro bono, un abogado Junyoung conoce a Hyun-woo, y comienzan su viaje para demostrar su inocencia.
Prime Minister
Jae-Hyeok es un empleado de una deteriorada planta de energía nuclear en Corea que avisa al gobierno sobre las malas condiciones de su lugar de trabajo, aunque nadie le escucha. Un día, la planta se ve sacudida por un terremoto y causa numerosas explosiones. Con la ciudad en estado de pánico, Jae-Hyeok, en vez de huir con su familia, vuelve a la planta nuclear para evitar que todo el país vuele por los aires.
Two female teachers and a male student hit with the inevitable disturbance of a coming whirlpool.
The Great Actor
Cannes Park
Una oportunidad única se presenta en la vida de Jang, el actor al que han otorgado el papel protagonista de la última película de Park, un reconocido director del mundo del cine surcoreano. Sin saberlo, la vida de Jang está a punto de cambiar para siempre.
The Magician
Ahn Dong-hwi
En tiempos de la dinastía Joseon en Corea, una de sus princesas viaja a territorio Qing para consumar un matrimonio de conveniencia, pero durante el trayecto conocerá a un mago del que se enamorará.
Inside Men
Jang Pil-woo
El antiguo hombre de confianza de un político busca vengarse de él por haber sido abandonado de forma despiadada, mientras que un investigador trata de determinar las pruebas de una conexión entre ellos.
Untouchable Lawmen
Chief Detective Wang
Jung-Jin is a criminal profiler and he came from the FBI in the United States. Yoo-Min is a detective and he graduated from the top police university, but he is more interested in women then arresting criminals. Jung-Jin and Yoo-Min are called to the special investigation headquarter for a secret meeting. There, Jung-Jin and Yoo-Min receive an order to take down the boss of a criminal organization. The crime boss, with the help of people in power, appears untouchable.
The Beauty Inside
Woo-jin's father
Woo-jin se despierta cada día dentro de un cuerpo distinto, con diferente edad, sexo o nacionalidad. Algunas veces es un hombre, otras una mujer; un anciano o un joven, incluso a veces un extranjero. Dentro es la misma persona, pero por fuera siempre es alguien nuevo, lo que es algo difícil de llevar. Lo único constante en su vida es la chica a la que ama, Yi-soo, que sabe lo que le ocurre y le quiere de todas formas.
Memories of the Sword
En tiempos de la Corea medieval, una joven busca venganza por la traición y muerte de su madre. Debido a ello tendrá que enfrentarse a uno de los guerreros más poderosos de la dinastía Goryo.
Kang In-gook
1933. Corea está ocupada por los japoneses. Un grupo de exiliados rebeldes planea matar a un comandante nipón, pero la única asesina que puede hacerse cargo de tan delicada tarea está en la cárcel. La resistencia se dispone a sacarla de prisión, cuando un espía alerta a los japoneses, acelerando un entramado de traiciones.
The Unfair
Park Jae-ho
Residents, who are evicted from their homes in a designated urban renewal, demonstrate against their removal. The police arrive and attempt to end the demonstration. Death happen that lead to the bigger problem.
Propuesta Perfecta (Perfect Proposal)
Kim Seok Koo
Una mujer que se casa con un hombre mucho mayor a petición del hombre que ella ama, solamente para enfrentarse a la ruina después del matrimonio. Yoo Yeon Seok interpreta al hombre que envía a la mujer que ama a los brazos de otro hombre, su amor es desgarrador y desesperado. Al final del triángulo amoroso está el actor Lee Kyung Young, quien interpreta al hombre mayor. Con el tiempo ella termina arruinada, y comienza una lucha interna y crisis psicológica mientras explora el amor, la corrección, la conspiración y la traición.
Chronicle of a Blood Merchant
Ok-ran's father
Set in a village right after the Korean War, poor but good-hearted Heo Sam-gwan sets out to win the most beautiful girl in the village, Heo Ok-ran, by selling his blood to earn money. Years later, the two are happily married with three children, but their family undergoes a crisis when Sam-gwan's eldest son doesn't resemble him and rumors spread about the boy's paternity.
Fashion King
Won-ho's father
A teenaged boy transforms from a ‘fashion terrorist’ to a ‘fashion king’ in order to win the heart of the prettiest girl in school. The story is about high school boy Ki-myung, who has a crush on the prettiest girl in his class and opens his eyes to fashion in order to become the best dressed person in the world.
El confidente
Lee Jang-hwan
El periodista Yoon Min-Cheol, decide investigar el caso sobre el posible fraude del Doctor Lee acerca de la clonación de células madres. Para ello contará con la ayuda de un informante muy cercano al Doctor. Pero también tendrá una barrera social formada por miles de ciudadanos que creen en la autenticidad de Lee.
Tazza: el as en la manga
Un joven que tiene una dura entrada en el mundo del juego clandestino prepara su venganza.
The Pirates
Una banda de piratas y un grupo de bandidos luchan para atrapar una ballena gris que se ha tragado un sello real.
Kundo: Época del descontrol
La última dinastía Joseon se caracterizó por ser un periodo de agitación social y económica en Corea. Debido a las desastres naturales, las continuas malas cosechas, la pobreza, el hambre y la muerte están a la orden del día. Preocupada por su propia riqueza, la aristocracia comienza a extorsionar a las clases bajas. En medio del torbellino, una banda de luchadores se levanta contra las autoridades para perseguir a funcionarios corruptos y compartir su botín con los más desfavorecidos.
Señor Perfecto
Baek Se Ji es un ex jugador profesional de golf. Por un accidente inesperado, pierde la capacidad de hablar. Él decide ir a una isla para recuperarse y termina como profesor en una escuela primaria. La escuela sólo tiene seis estudiantes y está a punto de ser abandonada. Para ayudar a la escuela, comienza a enseñar el golf en la escuela y participa en un partido.
Venus Talk
Choi Seong-jae
Shin Hye, Mi Yeon, and Hae Young are three vivacious women who help each other through the tangles of their romantic lives, from tentative first dates to Viagra-taking husbands and one-night stands. Being 40 proves that they're not past their prime.
Another Promise
Taxi driver Sang-gu is an ordinary father who has made a happy family. Due to their unfortunate financial circumstances, he is sorry that he cannot afford to send his daughter Yoon-mi to university like other parents. Yet, with a bright smile on her face, Yoon-mi tells her father that she will one day buy him a new car and pay college tuition fees for her younger sibling. However, less than two years after Yoon-mi begins her job at a large corporate company, she gets seriously ill and returns home. Sang-gu is heartbroken to see his young daughter in such a condition.
Genome Hazard
Yoo Kang-jin
Ishigami llega a casa del trabajo y descubre a su esposa muerta. Justo en ese momento, él recibe una llamada telefónica de su esposa y cae en la más absoluta confusión. Ishigami lucha por encontrar a su esposa. Poco a poco, se da cuenta de todos sus recuerdos se han ido y se encuentra actuando como otra persona. ¿Cuál es su verdadera identidad?
Hwayi: A Monster Boy
Lim Hyeong-taek
Una banda de delincuentes secuestra a un niño llamado Hwa Yi, y el líder lo toma como su propio hijo. Ahora, Hwa Yi tiene 17 años y se ha convertido en un asesino letal. Participando en un acto delictivo de la banda de "sus padres", conocerá la verdad sobre su pasado.
The Terror Live
Cha Dae-eun
Yoon Young-Hwa es un ex presentador de televisión muy popular, pero debido a un incidente desagradable trabaja ahora en un programa de radio. Un día un oyente llama al programa y avisa que va a volar el puente Mapodaegyo, lo que en un principio parece una broma de mal gusto se convierte en realidad. Yoo Young-Hwa ve en esta desgracia, la oportunidad de volver a la televisión.
A Journey with Korean Masters
Lee Heon
"A Journey with Korean Masters" is an omnibus film compiling four shorts created by directors who once dominated Korean cinema: Park Chul-soo, Lee Doo-yong, Lee Jang-ho, and Chung Ji-young. This modest project is the product of collaboration between professional and amateur actors of all ages and the masters. The aim was to promote the city of Seoul and the harmony of old and new. The project began as a promotional event, but its cinematic quality is equal, if not superior, to any Korean films officially invited to BIFF this year. That is by no means simply being polite. This special screening is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the unique characteristics of masters experiencing a cinema renaissance in their twilight years.
New World
Seok Dong-chool
En New World, Lee interpreta a un detective infiltrado en la mayor banda criminal del país, Choi Min-sik es su mentor, el detective Kang, y Hwang es el segundo al mando de la banda criminal. Cuando el jefe de la banda muera, su segundo tomará el mando y una lucha interna por el poder y el acoso de la policía hará que el detective infiltrado tenga que tomar una decisión final sobre donde está su lealtad y a quien traicionará.
The Berlin File
Lee Hak-soo
El agente norcoreano Pyo Jong-sung trabaja en colaboración con su mujer, Yeon Jung-hee. Ella utiliza como tapadera su trabajo como intérprete en la embajada de Corea del Norte en Berlin. Su misión consiste en vigilar a los oficiales de alto rango y ayudar al diplomático Lee Hak-soo en el tráfico de armas con destino a Corea del Norte. La tapadera es descubierta por un agente surcoreano, Cheon Se-hwang, que estaba investigando las cuentas bancarias del diplomático.
China Blue
Eun-hyeok's father
Eun-Hyuk's gang can't do anything but get into fights. Their anger is right now pointed at Korean-Chinese Kil-Nam's gang. A turf war begins between the two groups. Eun-Hyuk then meets Chinese girl Ching-Ching (Jung Joo-Yeon), who came to Korea to become a singer. Eun-Hyuk feels begins to have feelings for her and he also begins to have doubts with the ongoing turf war with Kil-Nam's gang. Meanwhile, an incident occurs with vicious loan shark Yoon-Sik, which inflames the turf war between the two gangs. Ching-Ching is also ordered to have sex to make her debut as a singer.
26 Years
Kim Gap-se
Hace 26 años, las tropas estatales recibieron la orden de abrir fuego contra civiles de la ciudad de Gwangju que se manifestaban como parte de un movimiento democrático. Miles de ellos fueron asesinados. Ahora, un equipo de personas decide involucrarse en un plan para condenar a la persona responsable de la masacre.
National Security
Lee Doo-han
On September 4, 1984, democracy movement leader Kim Jong Tae (Park Won Sang) is arrested and taken to an infamous interrogation facility in Namyeong-dong. For the next 22 days, he would be cruelly and continuously tortured in all manners by interrogators intent on forcing him to confess to communist collaboration.
Un Hombre de Compañia
Ban Ji-hoon
Hyung Do pertenece a una organización secreta de asesinos y debe hacerse pasar por un trabajador de una compañía de metales. Un día decide renunciar a una importante misión, lo que provoca que la organización le convierta en su próximo objetivo.
A Millionaire On The Run
Congressman Park
Young-in and his colleague Seung-dae are a pair of professional bagmen working for various lobbyists in finance, media and a host of other industries requiring political favors. Feeling guilty about his work, Seung-dae tells Young-in he plans on blowing the whistle on his boss Han’s illegal activities.
The Concubine
Chief Eunuch
Hwa Yun decide ofrecerse como una de las concubinas del rey al vivir una vida en la absoluta pobreza. Una vez dentro del palacio real, dos hombres se encaprichan de ella, el Príncipe Sungwon, un gobernante megalómano ebrio de poder y lujuria, y Kwon Yoo, que perderá todo si su deseo por ella sale a la luz.
Black Dawn
Choi Kil-Sun
In 2011, top-secret data on nuclear power is stolen from a university facility. At the same time, leaked information comes in about enriched uranium from the Korean peninsula. Sumimoto of the external affairs fourth division suspects that a conspiracy has been hatched to rock Japan-Korean relations.
Spring, Snow
A devoted wife and mother, Soon-ok suddenly learns that she has a terminal illness and is given less than a year to live. She pauses to think about the family she will leave behind: a completely helpless husband, a kind son who cares about nothing except his mother, and a daughter too busy to attend to anything but her own affairs. Soon-ok begins to prepare a gift for her family -- the opportunity to bring them together for a final farewell. Once fractured and separated, the family comes to learn that death does not have to be the antithesis of life, but can be its affirmation and awakening.
Lee Tae-woo
Un hombre encarcelado injustamente apela para que le declaren inocente, a la vez que trata de exponer la injusticia imperante en un sistema judicial en el que los jueces hacen lo que quieren.
Consultant Choi (uncredited)
Blue Salt nos contará como Du-heon, un jefe de la mafia retirado, se apunta a un curso de cocina con la esperanza de empezar de nuevo como propietario de un restaurante. En la clase se encontrará con una bella joven a la que no podrá resistirse. A pesar de su determinación de abandonar la mafia, Du-heon será convocado de nuevo por sus viejos colegas para detener a su sucesor que ha expandido el negocio en la prostitución y las drogas. Hay algo más en la chica de la clase de cocina que él no sabe, que es una asesina a sueldo contratada por el nuevo jefe. Ella se acercará a él y esperará su oportunidad para matarlo. Sin embargo, entrará en conflicto consigo misma cuando se sienta conectada a él
Guerra de flechas
Kim Mu-seon
Huérfano desde niño, Nam Yi consiguió superar la trágica pérdida de sus padres, y convertirse en el mejor cazador y arquero de su generación. Cuando su amada Corea es atacada por las fuerzas imperiales chinas, regresará de la selva para descubrir que su hermana, ha sido esclavizada por los invasores manchúes. Ahora, deberá enfrentarse al reto más difícil de su vida, luchar por su país, reunir a su familia y demostrar su valor ante los mejores arqueros que jamás ha conocido la historia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cuando la estudiante Na-mi cambia de centro de estudios y recibe burlas por su marcado acento, un grupo de chicas acuden en su rescate, invitándola a formar parte de su grupo, llamado “Sunny”. 25 años después, Na-mi decide reunir de nuevo a las chicas de Sunny.
By My Guest
The Um family is about to leave for a family trip. However, at the house the family arrived to enjoy their break, fired employee, Kim was waiting for the family. He screams while holding the limbs of a family member who tries to flee from him, and Kim demands payment for his discharge. Suffering, the family screams out and asks Um to give him what he wants, but Um thinks differently.
A Better Tomorrow
Lieutenant Park
Kim Hyuk es un mafioso vive la vida de la manera más rápida en la ciudad portuaria de Busan, Corea del Sur. Su mejor amigo es su compañero mafioso Lee Young-Choon). A pesar de que Kim Hyuk parece estar en la cima del mundo, está obsesionado por el recuerdo de dejar atrás a su hermano menor, Kim Chul, y a su madre cuando trataban de huir de Corea del Norte. La madre de Kim Hyuk fue golpeada hasta la muerte y Kim Chul encarcelado después de que fuera capturado por las autoridades norcoreanas. (FILMAFFINITY)
A young woman living in the South Korean town of Paju recalls the last 8 years of her life, since a young man on the lam escaped to it from Seoul and married her older sister.
The Mafia, The Salesman
Monk (uncredited)
With the looming free trade agreement between the US and South Korea, even a mafia gang thinks it should become more globalized and professional. Doo-shik is picked to infiltrate a mega corporation and steal their methods for success.
Meet Mr. Daddy
A little girl is reunited with her reluctant small-time criminal father. Jong Dae is a lowlife conman and gangster who lives in a old trailer in a junkyard by the sea. Not exactly ideal father material. He is (understandably) shocked when, while in jail yet again, a social worker visits to inform him that he has a seven year old daughter called Joon (Seo Shin Ae) who has been living in an orphanage and is on her way to America to be adopted. Little Joon desperately wants to meet her daddy before she leaves.
Palm Tree Grove
Kim In-Seo is an up-and-coming patent lawyer. He graduated from Yale University and was recently featured in Fortune Magazine. Kim In-Seo accepts an invitation to speak at a University and then takes a long bus ride to give the special lecture on patent law. A lady he met the day before, at an arranged matchmaking date, finds out that he will be riding the bus and decides to take the same bus. When they met at their matchmaking, Kim In-Seo’s mother explained to the lady, that something quite profound happened to her son a few years ago, but she is not sure what happened. While taking the evening bus together, Kim In-Seo tells the story of that profound experience which involved a lady named Hwa Yeon, the palm grove trees and the unfulfilled promises.
Choi Moo-young
Two young gangsters move into Incheon with the intent of taking over, but they come up against unexpected opposition from the madam of Incheon's leading hostess bar.
Although Is Hateful Again 2002
Ahn Ji-Hwan
Soo-Jung (Lee Seung-Yeon) has a bright and honest personality. She is loved by many people. Soo-Jung works as a magazine photographer. When Soo-Jung gets tired of work and life in general, she goes to her friend Young-Ha's (Park Yong-Ha) workroom. Although she always shows others her bright side, she confides to Young-Ha about her sadness and loneliness. Yong-Ha wants to embrace her pain, but there is a wall between them. Soo-Jung again faces a difficult situation. She then meets Ji-Hwan (Lee Kyoung-Young).
The Beauty In Dream
Writer Lee Yun-ho was the son of a traditional music drama family and met Hanako who had visited Cheongju to learn gayageum. Hanako passed away, leaving her 12 year-old daughter Yumae. Lee Yun-ho lived with her and his old father. Sora, a friend of Hanako, had loved Yun-ho for a long time and took care of his family. However, Yun-ho still had Hanako in his heart and consoled his lonesome heart by loving his daughter Yumae.
The Beauty In Dream
Writer Lee Yun-ho was the son of a traditional music drama family and met Hanako who had visited Cheongju to learn gayageum. Hanako passed away, leaving her 12 year-old daughter Yumae. Lee Yun-ho lived with her and his old father. Sora, a friend of Hanako, had loved Yun-ho for a long time and took care of his family. However, Yun-ho still had Hanako in his heart and consoled his lonesome heart by loving his daughter Yumae.
The Beauty In Dream
Yoon-ho Lee
Writer Lee Yun-ho was the son of a traditional music drama family and met Hanako who had visited Cheongju to learn gayageum. Hanako passed away, leaving her 12 year-old daughter Yumae. Lee Yun-ho lived with her and his old father. Sora, a friend of Hanako, had loved Yun-ho for a long time and took care of his family. However, Yun-ho still had Hanako in his heart and consoled his lonesome heart by loving his daughter Yumae.
First Kiss
Song Yeon Hwa, es una reportera de una revista semanal de entretenimiento, tiene 27 años. A pesar de que fue casi besada por su novio en varias ocasiones, ella se ha negado sin alguna razón particular, es entonces cuando pierde a su novio. Ahora que sabe que su titubeo fue la razón de su rompimiento, Song Yeon Hwa pierde diariamente el ritmo.
The Happenings
Old Timer
Upon getting out of prison, Deok-Bae meets his old buddy Dal-soo, who owns a restaurant. These two have never succeeded in life, and are constantly in and out of prison. Two others who happen to be in the same boat as Deok-Bae and Dal-Soo are ex-convicts. They have threatened to commit suicide unless traffic and unemployment issues are resolved. They are also unlucky enough to have been spotted at the scene of a crime. While these four are making big plans for their first success, the city becomes wrapped up in a serial murder case. In the meantime, an investigating team of veteran cops is formed in order to solve this case.
A Killing Story
Koo Yi-Do is one of the few people who has a sincere outlook on the world. He denounces the reality portrayed by films and works on a script for a "sincere" movie. Unfortunately, there are too many obstacles that keep him from finishing the job. His plan to shoot a film by peeping through a hole in a motel wall is deterred when he is arrested for circulating illegal videos.
María y el Inn
Dos hombres, hermanos y dos mujeres, madre e hija, aprenden de la vida y el amor en una posada. pepecine.net
A swindler and pickpocket pretends to be a pastor in a coma for money.
Baby Sale
Ad copywriter Sang-joon and event planner Ji-hyun meet for the first time in an elevator and decide to get married right away. But marital bliss is short lived for these two with the arrival of their son Nu-ri. Ji-hyun, exhausted from raising a baby, wants to go back to work. She thinks of a clever plan to return to her job.
Ahn is a suicidal saxophonist, Mun is a violent simpleton with an I.Q. of 80, and Maria is a single mother with dreams of becoming a nun. Ahn has tried numerous times to kill himself but nothing has ever worked. When he witnesses his wife's infidelity, it is the last straw. He gets a call from Mun, and both decide to take things into their own hands by robbing a café at gunpoint. They run into Maria, who is determined to find her baby who has been taken from her. Maria decides to use the two men to get her baby back and joins the team.
Vacaciones en Seúl
Telephone seller
Un botones de hotel que acaba de ser abandonado se enamora de una modelo de piernas que es un huésped habitual del hotel. Ella y su amante se encuentran regularmente en la habitación 901. Un día, su amante muere en un accidente de atropello y fuga. También alrededor de este hotel hay una telefonista que desea perder el tiempo. Su fijación es con un viaje en taxi. Cuando se sube a un taxi, no le dice al conductor adónde ir y el conductor no pregunta. Simplemente recorren la ciudad de noche.
Mr. Condom
Seo-rin learns that life can be cruel when she is abandoned by her mother in a movie theater as a child. She grows up on the streets and eventually meets the insomniac Jeong-il and is charmed by his innocence. Although their initial encounter is brief, it launches them on a quest for love and a search for each other
The Gate Of Destiny
Jwa Ungeom
The Gate Of Destiny
Run Away
Video game producer Lee Dong Ho (Lee Byung Hun) and freelance artist Choi Mi Ran are both young, ambitious people who are passionate about their life and work. They meet by chance one night on the road, and end up spending the night together. On their way home, they witness a gang-related murder, and from that day on their lives take a dramatic turn as they become the perpetrators' next targets.
A Hot Roof
Deok Bae
A Korean film about a group of women who end up barricaded on the roof of their apartment building in the middle of a heat wave.
Mom Has a New Boyfriend
Eun-jae, a children’s book illustrator, runs into Jin-woo at a bookstore. Jin-woo and Eun-jae met years ago on a train. Although each has a family to go home to, both believe that their meeting is more than coincidence and begin to see each other.
The Terrorist
A tough cop goes vigilante to rid the streets of a vicious gang boss after his friend is murdered. But along the way he discovers that his brother may also be mixed up in the hooliganry.
Bitter and Sweet
A group of people whose lives suffer from stagnation, are working together in the same company and their lives are scutinized by those who see them. There is the development manager whose last new idea was five years earlier; a procrastinating office clerk with a crush on a co-worker that he is too shy to reveal; and a senior manager who believes his wife is having an affair causing him to take out his frustration on all his employees.
Deep Scratch
An old friendship turns to rivalry, hatred and murder as one artist tries to imitate and then usurp the work of another and eventually trying to steal her husband, home, and life.
Rules of the Game
A car wash attendant Yong-dae decides move to Seoul with his girlfriend Tae-suk for join the most dangerous gang Yu Kwangcheon. On the way to Seoul they lost entire of savings to a swindler Man-su whom the most wanted by Yu Kwangcheon.
Out to the World
A satirical allegory of contemporary South Korean politics, the film follows the exploits of two convicts who accidentally escape while being transferred to another prison. Before they can turn themselves back into custody, they meet a female outlaw. She persuades the pair of prisoners to rob a bank in Seoul. When their robbery turns into an embarrassing fiasco, the two decide to flee to the North Korean border.
Days of Roses
Watercolors in Rain 2
Ji-su is finally released from jail and reunites with his stepsister Ji-hyeon. However his father had dark secret that neither of them knew before; both Ji-su and Ji-hyeon are half-siblings.
The Woman and The Man
A maternity ward nurse meets and falls in love with an obiturary columnist. Despite their apparent happiness, the nurse begins to feel that something is terribly wrong with their relationship.
White Badge
Byun Jin-soo
A Vietnam war veteran writes a series of articles about his war experiences for a local newspaper. As he does so, another veteran, drawn by the articles, begins randomly appearing in his life.
백치 애인
Praise of Death
The life and death of famous Korean singer, Yun Sim-deok in the 1920s.
Pale Rainy Days
Koh Mook
Kim Hyun-pil, an orphan, gets caught for picking pockets. At the police station, he causes trouble for the police. Detective Koh, takes sympathy on Hyun-pil's situation and takes him home to raise him as his own. Hyun-pil grows into a fine young man under the Koh's care, and despite resentment and scorn of Koh's son Mook, Hyun-pil is nurtured by love from Yeon-ji, Mook's sister. But even as adults, the discord between Mook and himself forces Hyun-pil to leave their home...
Autumn Journey
It revolves around a journey of five people went on different paths to discover their wounds.
You Know What? It's a Secret 2
Mr. Oh
Three highschool girls try to get money from their parents to help pay the hospital bills for a friend. They come up with a scheme where one of them pretends to be kidnapped in order to receive the ransom money. However, the plan is revealed and two of the girls are taken into police custody. When released, one of the girls jumps from the roof of the school out of shame and to call attention to the plight of their friend.
I'm Gonna Do Something Shocking
TV commercial director Kim In's dream is to become a film director. Writer Baek Jang-mi's dream is to build a surprise culture center for young people. The two join forces to make a movie of her best selling book 'The Children of Surprise Neighborhood' and Young-wook and Jeol-gu come to support them. Meanwhile, Young-wook's father, who suffers a stroke after becoming an instant millionaire after real estate speculation, gives the land to Young-wook for the surprise youth culture center. An underworld mobster kidnaps Young-wook's father to get the land but Kim In and Jeol-gu rescue him bringing them one step closer to their dream.
Because You Are a Woman
A 1990 Korean film about a woman who gets involved in a court case after retaliating against her attackers.
You Know What? It's a Secret
Mr. Oh
Jun-hyoung is a training teacher who meets Hye-na, a very outgoing student. She always acts freely with out any restriction. As time as goes by, she slowly starts to interfere in his life. Sun-shul, who is very lonely, loves Hye-na. Jun-hyoung feels that it's hard to put up with Hye-na, but his mentor insists and tells him to take care of her. Jun-hyoung does not understand and feels as though this situation in unfair for him. Soon after, he finds out Hye-na's secret...
The Song of Resurrection
Cheol-gi who dreams of a society that embraces justice begins classes at a night school. There he learns about political and social contradictions and the realities the people face. While doing research on factory conditions with his classmates Tae-il, Min-sook and laborers Hyun-sil and Bong-joon, Cheol-gi learns about the Revitalizing Reforms system and the improper practices in emergency measures. After the military revolution, during the election for a general student body in a move towards democracy, Cheol-gi unwittingly becomes a man on the run when emergency martial law is implemented in response by the government. Cheol-gi blames himself when hears about the deaths of Tae-il and Min-sook during the Gwang-ju Uprising from Hyun-sil and Bong-joon. Just when he and Hyun-sil try to start a new life together, Cheol-gi is arrested and put in jail. Inside the prison, he starts another move towards prison democracy.
Watercolors in Rain
The story of Ji-su who life was torn by two women in his life. One of them is his step-sister and the other is a barroom dancer named Kyung-ja.
Kuro Arirang
The film depicts the story of four people working in a sewing factory in Guro Industrial Complex in Seoul and the problems they face.
The life of a mute woman.