Hans Martin Stier

Hans Martin Stier

Nacimiento : 1950-09-29, Bad Ems, Germany


Hans Martin Stier


Extraklasse 2+
Together with his students, Ralph is faced with an unpleasant task: The evening school is moving to an innovative educational center. Ralph thinks this is a bad joke.
Rock My Heart
Una adolescente presenta una falla cardíaca, impidiéndole realizar ciertas actividades que para muchos son cotidianas, pero para ella representan todo un desafío. Sin embargo, consigue entablar un vinculo con un caballo rebelde, el cual es sumamente rápido pero no deja que nadie se le acerque, a excepción de ella. Por tanto, encontrará un nuevo pasatiempo que vincula a estos dos personajes en el mundo de las carreras, aunque esto represente un verdadero riesgo para la chica.
Kundschafter des Friedens
Four very retired, ex-GDR spies, or "Kundschafter des Friedens" as they were officially named, led by the once legendary Jochen Falk, are called on by the German government. Their mission is to rescue the interim president of the divided Republic of Katschekistan, who has been kidnapped by separatists, along with Berlin's official man on the ground, Franz Kern. To keep Jochen and his maybe no longer so crack team under control, all of whom are determined to prove they were treated unfairly by history, they are put under the command of the young and enthusiastic BND agent Paula Kern.
Cartas de Berlín
Arnold Vogt
Berlín, 1940. Cuando a Otto y Anna Quangel, un matrimonio de clase obrera, les comunican que su único hijo ha muerto en el campo de batalla, ambos emprenden una campaña nada menos que en contra de Hitler, el nazismo y la guerra, pero pronto comenzarán a ser perseguidos por la Gestapo
Happy Lambs
The perfect world of a small family breaks, when Can discover that his mother works in a brothel. In a maelstrom of anger, guilt and despair Mother and son are forced to forgive himself.
Herman the German
Mission Control Klaus
After an accident Herman learns that the suffers from a very rare illness which causes him that the emotion "fear" falls out whereby he is forced to try out all phobias to become normal again.
Die Lichtenbergs - zwei Brüder, drei Frauen und jede Menge Zoff
Besondere Schwere der Schuld
Fritz Reet
Joseph Komalschek was sentenced to 30 years in prison for cruelly murdering a young mother and her newborn baby. He never confessed his crimes and the bodies could not be found. After being released from prison, he returns to his hometown. People there treat him with distrust and disdain.
El viaje de los jubilados
Herr Hollenkötter
La vida de Walter, un jubilado, acaba de dar un giro inesperado al ganar un exclusivo viaje. Junto a su mejor amigo Heinz, se embarcan en lo que tendría que ser un fin de semana de lujo.
El gran hotel Budapest
El Sr. Gustave H., un legendario conserje de un famoso hotel europeo de entreguerras, entabla amistad con Zero Moustafa, un joven empleado al que convierte en su protegido. La historia trata sobre el robo y la recuperación de una pintura renacentista de valor incalculable y sobre la batalla que enfrenta a los miembros de una familia por una inmensa fortuna. Como telón de fondo, los levantamientos que transformaron Europa durante la primera mitad del siglo XX.
King Ping - Tippen Tappen Tödchen
Die Flut ist pünktlich
A corpse is washed up on the beach of the North Sea. The deceased is Alexander, husband of the beautiful Bettina. They have been coming to the island for a long time and possess a cottage there. At first no one doubts that Alexander died of an accident, but the young policewoman Maike, who has known the family since her childhood, thinks that Alexander should have been familiar with the mudflat. Did he kill himself?
Odio sin piedad
Abeja (Sylta Fee Wegmann), su madre Hilde (Catrin Striebeck) y su hermana Püppi (Sina Tkotsch) vivir una vida caótica y sin dinero y vivienda. Por supuesto, los culpables son los hombres con los que han tenido malas experiencias, cada uno a su manera. Fuera de la desesperación, el trío comienza a explotar y estafar a los hombres. Y eso es fácil: jugar con amuletos femeninos es una forma comprobada de hombres estúpidos. Pero esto no es sin consecuencias, ya que Alfons (Rolf Zacher) y el listón de Harry (Thomas Heinze), dos víctimas del golpe de engranajes mujer implacable para contraatacar y contratan el águila Hitman tatuaje (Jan Fedder). El caos sigue su curso y comienza una búsqueda salvaje por las parcelas de la pequeña ciudad...
The Prize
Herr Heinrich
Architect Alexander Beck has just won an architecture prize. He wants to modernize GDR building blocks in Thuringia. Alex travels to the heart of rural Eastern Germany where he grew up and where people remember him as Alex from the Free German Youth, a pro-GDR youth organization.
Los Cocodrilos 3. Todos para uno
Prison Warden Gerhard Hartmann
“Los Cocodrilos” están celebrando el cumpleaños de Hannes y el comienzo de las mejores vacaciones de verano que hayan tenido jamás. A pesar de que los chicos han crecido y han desarrollado distintos intereses, la banda sigue unida ­­contra viento y marea. Durante una descontrolada carrera de karts que acaba con un terrible accidente, Frank es trasladado al hospital en ambulancia. Su vida corre peligro: Necesita un trasplante de un pariente cercano para salvar la vida. El único donante posible es el delincuente de su hermano, Dennis, a quien los Cocodrilos pusieron entre rejas con su compañero Kevin. El tiempo se agota, ¡pero los auténticos amigos nunca se rinden! Con la ayuda de Jenny y de la madre de Hannes, la banda nos sorprende con un audaz plan… (FILMAFFINITY)
Alles was recht ist – Väter, Töchter, Söhne
Dr. Hansjohann Schrunz
Two fathers are fighting for a child: Franz Bergen, head of a church choir, wants to fight the right of access to the young son of the pub René Dörfler. At first, Judge Lena Kalbach does not allow the lawsuit - until it turns out that Bergen, as a sperm donor, is the biological father of the child. A delicate case for which Lena has to find a solution with great tact. But she is also personally affected by the issue of fatherhood: Her adult daughter Nike finally wants to know who her father is. In the third part of the popular TV series, Michaela May again plays the smart judge Lena Kalbach.
Neue Vahr Süd
Hauptfeldwebel Tappert
Frank Lehmann, 20, still lives with his parents in the dreary high-rise housing project "Neue Vahr" in Bremen. It's the year 1980 and Frank gets drafted to the army even though his friends assure him that "he's not really the guy for it". When he gets back home, after his first week at the army, his Dad has turned his room into a TV repair shop, so Frank has to move out. Luckily his old friend Martin is starting a commune with two other Punks in Bremens leftist borough "Viertel". Frank, without further ado rents the unlivable walk-through room. From now on Frank is a traveler between the Worlds. Each week he goes from the Army, with all the unconditional rules and regulations to the commune where his friends are preaching the world revolution. Frank is trying to avoid to stick out, but fails miserably, in both worlds.
Stella and the Star of the Orient
Dr. Lodeus
What child doesn’t dream of finding some secret door to the past! For Stella, a sassy 10-year-old, this dream comes true when she finds a magic wardrobe that transports her back to the early 20th century. There she must find a precious stone, the “Star of the Orient”, and ward off criminals who also want the treasure. Both haunting in its dream-like atmosphere and rousing through its spirited young protagonists, the film sweeps youngsters into a magical story of friendship and discovery.
Out of Bounds
Bauer Buschschulte
Ingo organizes a charity event for the local golf club. Special guest will be the Hollywood star Douglas Burnett. But who remembers what the aging star looks like today?
Tristán e Isolda
Producción de los hermanos Ridley Scott y Tony Scott sobre una leyenda medieval que relata el trágico amor de una princesa y un guerrero, que pondrá en peligro la frágil paz entre Inglaterra e Irlanda.
Do Fish Do It?
Hanno, Jans Vater
16-year old Jan is absent-mindedly strolling through the streets when he's run over by roller-skating Nina. As fast as she has stormed into his life, however, she rushes off again. Nina is 15 years old and full of crazy ideas. She lives together with her brother, her father and his new girlfriend. Her mother isn't in touch much. That's why there is the unconventional Angel whose own daughter disappeared years ago and who is Nina's best friend and substitute mother.
If It Don't Fit, Use a Bigger Hammer
Frustrated with their lazy new intern, a trio of offbeat builders decide to teach him a lesson with a series of escalating pranks.
Fire, Ice & Canned Beer
Two friends who are doing civil service flee to the Austrian Alps to escape being forced into the army. While there, one of them rediscovers his past and they realise that it's going to be more fun than they thought.
Enemigo a las puertas
Red Army General
Mientras los ejércitos de Alemania y la Unión Soviética luchan encarnizadamente y el mundo espera con ansiedad el desenlace de la batalla de Stalingrado, un francotirador ruso, Vassili Zaitsev, persevera en la empresa de eliminar a sus enemigos uno por uno. Modesto y reservado, Vassili es un hombre corriente que simplemente cumple con su deber con una destreza extraordinaria. Danilov -el oficial encargado de la propaganda soviética- se da cuenta del enorme valor de este antiguo campesino, y convierte al sencillo pastor de los Urales en un héroe nacional
Der Schnapper: Ein Toter kehrt zurück
Peter Speichert
Der Solist – Kein Weg zurück
Almas perdidas en la ciudad
Berlín, una ciudad de contrastes, controversias, comienzos... Seis personas están a punto de cambia radicalmente sus vidas. Artsi, el músico finlandés ilegal sale de su país esperando triunfar con su música. Peggy se separa de Hans porque sólo p9iensa en su carrera de boxeador. Sasha acaba de salir de la cárcel y no tiene donde pasar la noche, Fabián, en realidad escritor, sobrevive como repartidor pizzas y Doris quiere romper con la rutina de su matrimonio deambulando sin rumbo por la ciudad. Sus caminos se cruzan y se pierden casualmente, todos intentan vivir sus ideas de felicidad y de su amor. Algunos creen conseguirlo, a otros les cuesta más, pero todos creen merecer una oportunidad.
Die Bademeister – Weiber, saufen, Leben retten
Die Unschuld der Krähen
Alte Liebe, alte Sünde
Udo Sander
A thriller directed by Anno Saul
Der letzte Kurier
Bernhard Rohleder
The Writing on the Wall
When a bomb explodes in a British RAF base in Germany, MI5 terrorist specialist Bull (Bill Paterson) is called in to investigate. However, the further he begins to dig into the secrets behind the terrorism, the more he finds himself immersed in dodgy goings-on in the corridors of power of NATO itself.
Der Mörder und die Hure
Nadine, nackt im Bistro
Risiko Null – Der Tod steht auf dem Speiseplan
Boris, Laborer #1
The same situation is played out in different cities (New York, Berlin and Tokyo). A lover has to choose whether to commit to a partner who is returning home. In each case there are other people involved, an ex-partner and someone else in a "permanent" relationship, what do they choose to do?
Bunte Hunde
Vollzugsbeamter Amtmann
Voll Normaaal
Herr Maulhofer
Tommie is the absolute loser in his home district of Cologne-Kalk: no money, no apartment of his own, no girlfriend. In the exhaust workshop where he toils, the foreman is constantly angry with him. But Tommie is in a great mood: The video freak dreams enthusiastically through the fantasy world of film art, preferably with the bust sex star Gianna S. in the leading role. Tommie collects exhaust pipes. When he steals a particularly capital specimen from Jupp's swank Mercedes, he gets into real trouble. He has no choice but to return the exhaust to Jupp, but his deadly ultimatum of procuring a case of the rare beer brand "Ramsdorfer Kölsch" by seven o'clock in the evening proves to be insanely difficult. Because at the very same time, "Gianna S." is expected in town...
El inocente
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un joven ingeniero es enviado a Berlín para espiar a los rusos. Allí se enamora de una misteriosa mujer... (FILMAFFINITY)
Wir können auch anders ...
Die Brüder Kipp (Joachim Król) und Most (Horst Krause) machen sich auf den Weg, um das Gut ihrer Oma zu erben. Auf diesem Weg begegnen sie Viktor (Konstantin Kotljarov), einem desertierten russischen Soldaten, der die beiden kidnappt und Nadine (Sophie Rois), die sich ihnen freiwillig anschließt. Zwischendurch gibt es noch einen Zusammenstoß mit Straßenrowdies, was diesen allerdings nicht gerade gut bekommt. Auf ihrem Weg zum Erbe (oder was davon übrig bleibt) geraten die Protagonisten in manche scheinbar ausweglose Situation.
Im Sog der Angst
Resplandor en la oscuridad
Truck Driver
1940, Linda Voss (Melanie Griffith) es una mujer irlandesa, de origen judío-alemana que ama las películas, especialmente las películas sobre guerra y espías. Consigue un trabajo en un bufete de abogados de Nueva York, después de demostrar que puede hablar alemán con fluidez. Como secretaria y traductora de Ed Leland (Michael Douglas), comienza a sospechar que su jefe está involucrado en trabajos de espionaje.
Resplandor en la oscuridad
1940, Linda Voss (Melanie Griffith) es una mujer irlandesa, de origen judío-alemana que ama las películas, especialmente las películas sobre guerra y espías. Consigue un trabajo en un bufete de abogados de Nueva York, después de demostrar que puede hablar alemán con fluidez. Como secretaria y traductora de Ed Leland (Michael Douglas), comienza a sospechar que su jefe está involucrado en trabajos de espionaje.
Der Papagei
Every year, many Germans are preparing to spend their vacations in the sunny south. And they all have to use the same highways. And every year everything ends in a big traffic jam.
The Rose Garden
In Germany, an old man attacks another old man and is arrested. The attacker refuses to speak. A female lawyer is appointed to him. She discovers that the attacker has numbers tattooed on his arm and the attacked man was a German officer.
The Prisoner of St. Petersburg
Truck driver
A young Russian man arrives in Berlin in search of a woman, but becomes entangled with two others one of whom falls in love with him and another who represents a classic Russian heroine like out of a novel from one of his countrymen idols.
Innocence Unknown
After the essay "On Marionette theatre" by Heinrich von Kleist.
Otto – The New Movie
Mover #2
El cielo sobre Berlín
The Dying Man
Dos ángeles sobrevuelan Berlín, ciudad dividida por el "muro de la vergüenza". Sólo son visibles para los niños y los hombres de corazón puro. Testigos impotentes que no pueden cambiar el curso de los acontecimientos, sienten una gran compasión por los seres humanos. Uno de ellos, decidido a conocer los sentimientos de los mortales, se enamora de una joven trapecista.
Don't Touch Anything
On his first day as an apprentice, Erik is assigned to a strange journeyman called Ludger. Together they drive to a mysterious power box in the middle of nowhere, but the tasks that Ludger keeps giving Erik seem to be a waste of time. In his ongoing fight for acceptance, the apprentice makes a far-reaching mistake.