Shinji is an aspiring manga artist struggling to succeed in his career, and when he accidentally discovers an old drawing by his childhood friend Masaru, a magical journey begins that helps him discover a new inspiration for his art.revenge. The film unfolds a psychological analysis of a social environment characterized by hypocrisy and secrecy, skillfully playing with genre formulas of thrillers and ghost stories.
Shinji is an aspiring manga artist struggling to succeed in his career, and when he accidentally discovers an old drawing by his childhood friend Masaru, a magical journey begins that helps him discover a new inspiration for his art.revenge. The film unfolds a psychological analysis of a social environment characterized by hypocrisy and secrecy, skillfully playing with genre formulas of thrillers and ghost stories.
Ryou es un un artista de manga erótico de 32 años que no está acostumbrado a estar rodeado de mujeres. Por otro lado, Ami es una fujoshi de 28 años que no tiene una buena impresión de los hombres. La historia sigue su relación después de que se conocieran por casualidad.