Script Supervisor
Unwitting pickup artist Jack Coley (Jack Hogan) nabs a briefcase holding a costly scientific formula, turning himself into a moving target for owner Alan Sheridan (John Baer), foreign agents and the fuzz -- all bent on a blistering game of finders, keepers. In this stylized crime drama, the quarry coolly eludes the pack while eliciting the aid of an unlikely party: blonde beauty Nan Baker (June Kenney), the attaché's original carrier.
Script Supervisor
Collins College needs a new department head for their science department, so Doctors Carter and Zorch consult Thinko, the campus computer, and come up with Dr. Mathilda West, who has degrees in lots of things, but turns out to be disruptively attractive as well.
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An American serviceman stationed in Tokyo, who's engaged to a local singer, faces both a military court-martial and a trial in the Japanese courts after an accidental shooting in which a teenager is killed.
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Four men in their tank, during the Korean War in 1951, find themselves behind enemy lines.
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Bajo la identidad de un explorador occidental, el cazador Schroeder se dedica a capturar animales de forma furtiva para un zoológico, engañando al propio Tarzán (Gordon Scott) y su familia para lograr su colaboración. Pero Sikes, hermano del cazador, aspira a conseguir una presa mayor: el propio Tarzán.
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A woman reporter, a navy investigator, and a heavyset police detective come across a gang which scuttled a ship in order to loot her later, underwater, for a Navy money consignment.
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A New Mexico Town Marshal, Clay Morgan, known as 'Black Patch' since he had lost an eye in the Civil War, takes his job seriously, especially after an old friend, Hank Danner, arrives in ...
Pale Arrow es un hombre blanco criado desde un niño por el Jefe de la tribu Pawnee. Con las caravanas de carretas ahora invadiendo la tierra de Pawnee, el Jefe envía a Pale para tratar con las personas de raza blanca. Ahora conocido como Paul Fletcher, trabaja de explorador.
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Script Supervisor
After his kid brother is killed in a street race, a champion drag-racer quits racing. However, a new kid comes to town determined to force him back into racing so he can take his title--and he's already taken his girlfriend.When his younger brother, Steve, is killed racing a hot-rod, Jeff Northup blames himself for the accident since he had built the car for his brother and had encouraged him to race it, with other boys on a special course provided by police detective Ben Merrill, who is working to reduce the city's hot-rod fatalities by providing supervision for the dangerous hobby. Jeff withdraws from participating in races on Merrill's course and, without his leadership, reverts to racing on the streets. "Bronc" Talbott, a newcomer, makes a play for Jeff's girlfriend, Lisa Vernon. Eventually, the taunting-Talbott forces Jeff into a race which results in the death of a bicycling child, and evidence seems to indicate Jeff was at fault.
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El abogado Craig Carlson (Raymond Burr) gana el juicio de su cliente Myra Leeds (Angela Lansbury), acusada de asesinar a su esposo, y logra que sea declarada inocente. Poco después del veredicto, descubre que ella efectivamente cometió el asesinato y lo manipuló para salir absuelta. Atormentado por los remordimientos y sabiendo que no puede ser juzgada nuevamente por el mismo delito, urde un plan para entregarla a la justicia.
Script Supervisor
El detective Mike Hammer recoge en la carretera, en plena noche, a una muchacha que huye de un peligro mortal. Poco después son interceptados por los acosadores, unos despiadados matones que, tras torturar y matar a la muchacha y pegar una paliza al duro detective, les arrojan por un precipicio. Hammer logra salir indemne, y se dedicará a investigar este misterioso caso.
Script Supervisor
An orphan boy on his way to live with his uncle picks up a stray dog, and the two become fast friends. However, the uncle doesn't want the dog, and when chickens are found dead, the uncle accuses the dog of killing them. The boy decides that it's time he and the dog hit the road so they run away, and meet up with an elderly man who also ran away from a home where he believed he wasn't wanted either.