Cyril practica Taï-Chi en un rincón del Domaine du Manoir. Un palo de golf golpea la parte posterior de su cuello, matándolo con un golpe mortal. La investigación queda a cargo de Maud Arthuis.
Emma and Adrien are all set for a romantic getaway. But then Adrien is called to investigate a murder, after an instructor is found hanged at the gendarme academy.
Caroline Jeune, una capitana de la gendarmería, asume su primer asesinato. Una mujer kurda de 18 años, Sabrya, fue asesinada cuando regresaba a casa desde el coro en el que cantaba.
Emma Thélier, una capitana de la policía, está de vacaciones en casa de su madre, cuando, al hacer jogging, cae sobre un hombre asesinado. A Emma, se le encomienda la investigación.
A French family plans to swap homes with a Turkish family for the holidays - but things do not go as planned.
A French family plans to swap homes with a Turkish family for the holidays - but things do not go as planned.
Boris Taslitzky
Guard at prison "La Santé"
Nueva entrega sobre la vida de Jacques Mesrine entre 1973 y 1979, época en la que se le conoció como el enemigo público número 1. Todo comenzó cuando consiguió fugarse del tribunal de Compiègne, encañonando al juez hasta la calle, donde un compinche lo esperaba en un coche. La muerte de su padre, sus espectaculares atracos a sucursales bancarias, sus huidas trepidantes, o la publicación de su libro "L'instinct de mort", desde la cárcel, son algunos de los hechos más destacables de su biografía.
Capitaine Bergerac
Jean-Pierre is a literature professor in Switzerland. Due to the vagarities of Swiss law, he is selected, basically at random, to be the guardian of a parentless teenage boy named Antoine. Conflict comes into the story as Jean-Pierre, who has just accepted a major promotion, must now deal with caring for a teenage boy he doesn't want to care for, as well as handling his own jealous boyfriend. Then his wife steps into the picture. Things get complicated from there as Jean-Pierre tries to get out of his guardianship.
Jean-Pierre is a literature professor in Switzerland. Due to the vagarities of Swiss law, he is selected, basically at random, to be the guardian of a parentless teenage boy named Antoine. Conflict comes into the story as Jean-Pierre, who has just accepted a major promotion, must now deal with caring for a teenage boy he doesn't want to care for, as well as handling his own jealous boyfriend. Then his wife steps into the picture. Things get complicated from there as Jean-Pierre tries to get out of his guardianship.
Robert Millard has based his industrial kingdom - based on all the noise technologies - thanks to his marriage with the wealthy and cantankerous Irene, he blithely cheat for years. However, his last link with his pretty secretary, Eve, is the straw that broke the camel : Irene has indeed hired a detective-photographer, aptly named M.Colle order to have a maximum of incriminating shots. Threatened to divorce and thus to total ruin by his wife, the unfaithful husband should give up and dismiss Eve.
The French Teacher
En la Vietnam colonial de 1929, una adolescente francesa, que vive con su madre y sus dos hermanas, conoce a un apuesto comerciante chino. A pesar de las tensiones que se viven en el sureste asiático y a la diferencia de edad entre ambos, pronto se convierten en amantes.