An anthology film made up of 15 stories about love, romance and dating in contemporary London.
Viktor Lambton
Faced with numerous obstacles and pressure to exceed her Mums expectations, 12-year-old Liverpudlian tomboy Aliza tries her best to raise money to save her fathers dance studio from permanent closure. While adapting to new London inner-city life, Aliza finds comfort in Teon, a shy, charming boy who lives in her block of flats and finds a new rival in national sweetheart and triple threat, Sophie Wallis. This coming of age tale depicts the story of being more than your surroundings with song, dance and grit taking centre stage.
Mr Sugden
The Barry Hines Novel ‘A Kestrel for a Knave’ and Ken Loach’s famous film adaptation are both modern classics. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Kes, Barnsley born choreographer Jonathan Watkins reimagines the work weaving dance, projections, puppetry and music to create a family friendly Kes to rival War Horse, the Guardian called it ‘genuinely too powerful for words’.
'Rocketman' es la historia de Elton John, desde sus años como niño prodigio del piano en la Royal Academy of Music hasta llegar a ser una superestrella de fama mundial gracias a su influyente y duradera asociación con su colaborador y letrista Bernie Taupin.
Customer 1
Jean Valjean es enviado a prisión tras robar un trozo de pan con el que pretendía alimentar a sus sobrinos y a su hermana viuda. Adaptación del musical del mismo título que, a su vez, se basa en la obra de Victor Hugo "Los miserables"..