Mavis Fan

Mavis Fan

Nacimiento : 1977-02-27, 中国,台湾


Mavis Fan (Chinese: 范曉萱; pinyin: Fàn Xiǎoxuān; born 27 February 1977) is a Taiwanese singer and actress.


Mavis Fan
Mavis Fan


The Horse
On the brink of moving away, Jing stands in front of the entrance of a room. As she struggles to step into the room and pack, a horse unexpectedly appears in the apartment.
Heartfall Arises
Sue Mok
Dos maestros de ajedrez están enredados en varios casos de asesinato relacionados con trasplantes de órganos. Un policía y psicólogo criminal Calvin Che tienen que trabajar juntos para encontrar el eslabón perdido, mientras enfrentan varios peligros.
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?
Introverted Weichung has been married to Feng for nine years. They have one son together, and Feng would like to have another child with him. One day Stephen, an old friend who now organises weddings, appears and encourages Weichung to return to the gay life he had previously. Anxious not to lose his wife, Weichung tentatively begins seeing a flight attendant behind Feng's back.
The Silent War
Shen Jing
Un thriller de espionaje ambientado en los años 1950 que adapta la novela "Year Suan/Plot Against" de May Jia. Tony Leung Chiu Wai interpreta a un hombre ciego que trabaja para un afinador de pianos. Jake ha sido reclutado para una misión de espionaje debido a su excepcional sentido de la audición.
La espada del dragón
Su Huirong
"Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" es un wu-xia protagonizado por Jet Li en el que se nos narra al historia de Chow Wai-on, un rebelde que lucha contra Tsao Sui San, el malvado líder eunuco del Lado Este, que intenta forjar su propio reino mediante la destrucción de los clanes rebeldes. La acción les llevará al desierto, en la posada de la "Puerta del Dragón", propiedad de la bella Jade King, interpretada por Zhou Xun (The Message). La película, que llegará a finales de 2011 a los cines de toda China, es un remake de la película de 1992, "New Dragon Gate Inn" de Raymond Lee, que a su vez era un remake del clásico de 1967 de King Hu, Dragon Inn.
Lover's Discourse
In a crowded city like Hong Kong, former lovers often cross each other's path. One night, a former couple reunites for one night as they talk about their past, their present, and the possibility of a future. Elsewhere in the city, a laundry shop girl has a crush on a customer, carrying on her days fantasizing about adventures with an inanimate version of him. Meanwhile, Po runs into a childhood friend and reminisces about the days of him as a teenager and his own infatuation with his best friend's mother. Back in the present, Po is contacted by a stranger with a secret about two people they know very well…
Buddha Mountain
In Chengdu, China, a retired female opera singer named Master Chang takes in a trio of young tenants into her boarding home. The tenants include a rock singer and a college student who has run away from home.
About Love
A-Su (segment "Taipei")
Three stories are told, respectively set in Tokyo, Taipei, and Shanghai. The first two stories are about a Japanese person and a Taiwanese person. The last one is set in Shanghai with a story about a Japanese man and a Chinese woman. Some of the characters can speak Japanese and some of them Mandarin. Each story encompasses an experience of a foreigner, either from Japan ,Taiwan or China, with a native of the opposite country.
The Private Eye Blues
Private investigator Jacky Cheung is adrift. He has separated from his wife (Kathy Chow) and misses his young daughter. His next assignment seems fairly simple: he must track down a troublesome teenage girl (Mavis Fan) and return her home to China. Powerful behind the scenes forces soon become apparent, however, and plunge our intrepid hero into greater trouble than he's ever known.