Boris Szulzinger


The Big Bang
In 1995, Italy annihilates Libya, which destroys Israel. Africa bombs Germany, which in turn attacks France. Luxembourg conquers England. Sweden, Monte Carlo and Switzerland immolate themselves.The Russians decide to liquidate the Americans, who unleash their nuclear fleet, leaving only two continents on the verge of World War IV.
Mama Dracula
A female vampire must bathe in the blood of virgins in order to stay alive. The trouble is that virgins are in short supply nowadays, and she is running into major problems in finding one.
Mama Dracula
A female vampire must bathe in the blood of virgins in order to stay alive. The trouble is that virgins are in short supply nowadays, and she is running into major problems in finding one.
Mama Dracula
A female vampire must bathe in the blood of virgins in order to stay alive. The trouble is that virgins are in short supply nowadays, and she is running into major problems in finding one.
Tarzoon, la vergüenza de la jungla
Parodia animada del personaje Tarzán, que causó bastante polémica en su momento por su contenido erótico, en la línea de Fritz the Cat.
El hotel de las delicias
En una Francia futurista, una comedia sobre un plan para abrir una cadena de burdeles para mujeres.
The Lonely Killers
Set against the grim backdrop of a Belgian city, the film depicts two young men who kill randoms and hunt people for nothing.
The Lonely Killers
Set against the grim backdrop of a Belgian city, the film depicts two young men who kill randoms and hunt people for nothing.
Nathalie After Love
Nathalie, a student at the Sorbonne, becomes a model and lover of a painter until the artist transmits a venereal disease to her.