Ago Saller

Ago Saller


Ago Saller


Teacher of Reigi
Assistant Judge #1
The Little Witch
Evil Witch
The little witch is already 127 years old, but that's no age for a real witch! She lives with a nice green crow named Aabram in a tiny hut in a thick forest, which, like all other witches' houses, stands on chicken legs. As you can imagine, she is busy all day to learn all the wisdom of the witches. Anyway, the little witch is quite different from the usual fairy tale witches.
The Last Relic
Son tiempos difíciles en medio de revueltas campesinas. Para asegurar su existencia, un monasterio comienza la búsqueda de unas reliquias de la Santa Brígida de Suecia. Un noble se compromete a encontarlas si a cambio se le concede a la hermosa Agnes como recompensa. Pero ella se enamora de un apuesto aventurero. El monasterio debe ahora jugar a dos bandas...