In this gentle comedy, an unpopular resident in a Russian village has his life completely changed when he announces, entirely on a whim and just to upset things a bit, that he's moving to the Pacific coast.
Elan es una remota aldea de Siberia donde viven los Solomin y los Ustuizhanin, ricos los primeros y pobres los segundos. Siberiada es un épico relato de los cambios experimentados en la Unión Soviética, desde principios del siglo XX hasta los años sesenta del mismo, tomando como base la aldea de Elan y sus habitantes. Premios 1979: Festival de Cannes: Premio Especial del Jurado
Actions of the movie occurred in Post-WWII years in small village. Mother with three children. Father was lost in the war, like many other. 11-year old son rather smart boy is main help in housekeeping. But here was primary school only, and he was sent to study to neighbor village over 50 km. He lives with his mother's friend - woman and two children. Mother brought food one time per 3 weeks, and he cooks and eats separately from householders. To buy more food he plays game 'money'. He was beaten by older boys – usual child's cruelty.