Irina Costa


Two suicidal paraplegic junkies hustle their way through the city streets trying to find a reason to live.
The Legend of Bloody Mary
Ryan has been plagued with nightmares since the night his sister Amy went missing 8 years earlier after playing the game "Bloody Mary." Amy had stumbled onto a website on the Internet ( about a witch called Bloody Mary and a game to summon her evil spirit. Now a senior in college, Ryan is reaching a mental breaking point from the years of stress and guilt from his sisters disappearance. His girlfriend Rachel frustrated herself at Ryan's emotional distance and self pity, calls for help to a former professor of Ryan's, Father O'Neal. Father O'Neal is both a priest and a archaeologist who decides to help Ryan end his tormenting grief by using his detective skills and wit to figure out what exactly happened to Ryan's sister, and uncover the truth to the Legend of Bloody Mary
Spider-Man 3
Jazz Club Waitress (uncredited)
Tercera entrega de las aventuras del joven Peter Parker (Maguire). Parece que Parker ha conseguido por fin el equilibrio entre su devoción por Mary Jane y sus deberes como superhéroe. Pero, de repente, su traje cambia volviéndose negro y aumentando sus poderes; también Peter se transforma, sacando el lado más oscuro y vengativo de su personalidad. Bajo la influencia de este nuevo traje, Peter deja de proteger a la gente que realmente lo quiere y se preocupa por él. En estas circunstancias, no tiene más remedio que elegir entre disfrutar del tentador poder del nuevo traje o seguir siendo el compasivo héroe de antes. Mientras tanto, dos temibles enemigos, Venom y el Hombre de Arena, utilizarán sus poderes para calmar su sed de venganza.