Jean Marsan

Nacimiento : 1920-04-07,

Muerte : 1977-09-29


Les Filles
Les Filles
Les Filles
Attends-moi pour commencer
Viviane would like Eric to put a ring on her finger. The latter inexorably refuses. Norbert, his best friend and upstairs neighbor, has just married Rose, but seems to regret it. The eternal debate on marriage leads to a war of the sexes.
Le noir te va si bien
Un monsieur
Le don d'Adèle
Gaston Veyron-Lafitte
L'École des contribuables
La Chapelaude
The American
A man returns to Rouen, after fifteen years in the United States, and feels like a stranger among old friends.
Interdit au public
Interdit au public
Jean Bayard
Todo el oro del mundo
En la pequeña localidad de Cabosse, los lugareños disfrutan de una gran longevidad. Partiendo de este hecho como reclamo comercial, Victor Hardy se propone construir una urbanización en unos terrenos de poco valor. El único obstáculo es Dumont, un viejo obstinado, que, a diferencia de los demás, se niega a venderle sus tierras.
Rêves de Neige
Les Affreux
Be Beautiful But Shut Up
A beautiful 18-year-old orphan escapes from a reformatory and hooks up with a gang of jewel smugglers, and decides on a life of crime. However, she falls for and marries a policeman, putting a crimp in her criminal career.
Visto y no visto
Montpaillard presume de ser la localidad más tranquila de Francia, como reza el cartel en la entrada del pueblo. La única amenaza a su paz es Blaireau, un furtivo que tiene en jaque al ayuntamiento, y al guardabosques, al cual deja en ridículo cada vez que éste le quiere atrapar. Por otra parte, la hija de los Chaville ha llegado al pueblo y su profesor de piano, el joven y tímido Fléchard, está enamorado de ella, pero para su desgracia, a Arabella le gustan los hombres de acción y en el pueblo sólo hay mojigatos.
Tonight the Skirts Fly
Louis un amoureux de Marlène (uncredited)
At Christmastime, the love affairs of five clothing models working for Pierre Roussel, a renowned Paris fashion designer. Marlène hesitates between two suitors. Blanche, who loves Jean, Roussel's son, wants him to talk to his father about their relationship. Catherine learns that her lover has a wife and two kids. Jeannette throws herself into the arms of an Oriental prince. In despair the fifth one attempts to commit suicide...
Tonight the Skirts Fly
At Christmastime, the love affairs of five clothing models working for Pierre Roussel, a renowned Paris fashion designer. Marlène hesitates between two suitors. Blanche, who loves Jean, Roussel's son, wants him to talk to his father about their relationship. Catherine learns that her lover has a wife and two kids. Jeannette throws herself into the arms of an Oriental prince. In despair the fifth one attempts to commit suicide...
Hello Smile!
A small European Kingdom wants to make a frowning Princess smile for the upcoming Royal photo to be done. A mischievous Prime Minister goes to Paris to kidnap three famous comics to force them to do an act to make the Princess smile. However, the King is not aware of this scheme... especially that this evil minister has to face a "fasting strike" by the prisoners and force them to surrender by telling a recipe of "Coq au Vin" by the radio...
L'honneur est sauf !
Le mari
Les bonnes manières
Les bonnes manières
Girl from Maxim's
Le lieutenant Corrigon
After a crazy night spent at Maxim's, Doctor Montgicourt returns home with the Môme Shrimp. General Petypon invites her to his castle for the engagement of his niece and Lieutenant Corrignon, the kid's lover. The reception is likely to be very busy...
Forbidden to the Public
The actor
Hervé Montagne, a famous but awfully self-satisfied playwright, is furious when he learns that the actress signed to lead in his latest play will not be able to play the part on account of pregnancy. All the more as no other great actress is available. Well, in fact there IS one, Gabrielle Tristan, a great name of the French stage. The only trouble is that she is Hervé's ex-wife and that they have not been on speaking terms for ten tears.
The Secret of Monte-Cristo
The seller
One of Alexandre Dumas's most popular adventure novels is "The Count of Monte-Cristo". What is little known is that the famous writer made up neither its plot nor its characters. Dumas actually heard the true story of a man named François Picault during a stay at a private mansion and only adapted it into the novel everybody knows . Picault (who in the book would become Edmond Dantès) was about to marry the beautiful Marguerite (Mercédès in the novel) when he was denounced by three jealous friends who falsely accused him of being a spy for England. Picault was placed under a form of house arrest. In his prison, he made friends with an Italian abbot. When the man died, he left his fortune to Picault whom he had begun to treat as a son. On his release, Picault, who had become wealthy, was able to pursue his ruthless revenge on the three men who were responsible for his misfortune.