Miles Jonn-Dalton

Miles Jonn-Dalton


Miles Jonn-Dalton


The Seduction of Dracula
Count Dracula
Plot details unknown.
The Seduction of Dracula
Plot details unknown.
The Evil of Dracula
A professor takes up a new post at an all-girls school only to discover the school's principle conceals a dark secret and the pupils are in grave danger.
The Reincarnation of Dracula
Count Dracula
Plot details unknown.
The Reincarnation of Dracula
Plot details unknown.
The Reincarnation of Dracula
Plot details unknown.
The Evil of Dracula
A professor takes up a new post at an all-girls school only to discover the school's principle conceals a dark secret and the pupils are in grave danger.
The Evil of Dracula
Count Dracula
A professor takes up a new post at an all-girls school only to discover the school's principle conceals a dark secret and the pupils are in grave danger.
Death Walks Behind You
Christian Vander
Plot details unknown.
Death Walks Behind You
Plot details unknown.
Death Walks Behind You
Plot details unknown.
Death Walks Behind You
Plot details unknown.
Crypt of Evil
Tony Diamond
On a caving adventure, a group of friends quickly becomes imprisoned in a cursed crypt.
Crypt of Evil
On a caving adventure, a group of friends quickly becomes imprisoned in a cursed crypt.
Crypt of Evil
On a caving adventure, a group of friends quickly becomes imprisoned in a cursed crypt.
Crypt of Evil
On a caving adventure, a group of friends quickly becomes imprisoned in a cursed crypt.
He Killed in Ecstasy
Bobby Hollander
A young doctor kills himself after a medical committee terminates his research into human embryos, considering it too inhumane.
He Killed in Ecstasy
A young doctor kills himself after a medical committee terminates his research into human embryos, considering it too inhumane.
He Killed in Ecstasy
A young doctor kills himself after a medical committee terminates his research into human embryos, considering it too inhumane.
Frankenstein Versus Dracula
Count Dracula
Plot details unknown.
Frankenstein Versus Dracula
Plot details unknown.
Frankenstein Versus Dracula
Plot details unknown.
Dreams of Darkness
Devastated by the disappearance of his wife, Derek Fabry enters a nightmarish world of the occult, erotic evil, and supernatural seduction as he tries to unravel the mystery of her vanishing.
Dreams of Darkness
Derek Fabry
Devastated by the disappearance of his wife, Derek Fabry enters a nightmarish world of the occult, erotic evil, and supernatural seduction as he tries to unravel the mystery of her vanishing.
For Ever Mozart
Tomas (uncredited)
Una compañía francesa de teatro se propone representar una obra en Sarajevo, pero sus miembros son capturados y recluidos en un campo de prisioneros de guerra. Entonces pedirán ayuda a sus amigos más influyentes para que gestionen su liberación.
Nouvelle Vague
Composed entirely of literary quotations from many different sources and from several historical periods, the loose narrative concerns a drifter found by a rich woman who soon falls in love with him. A drowning accident takes place and the drifter dies, but some time later he reappears in the woman’s life looking for a job. Or could it be the man’s twin brother?
El comisario Verrazzano
Un teniente de policía sufre las consecuencias de oponerse a los mafiosos locales.
The Happy Hooker
Having emigrated to New York and immediately got the kiss-off from her mother-besotted fiance, a Dutch lass takes a well-paid office job and starts liberally sampling the local male talent. After a while she decides to make her pleasure her business too, and as her reputation grows she graduates to a high-class bordello. Soon she realises she has the right talents to make a real success of a place of her own.
La leyenda de la mansión del infierno
Royal Duke (uncredited)
Un multimillonario moribundo ofrece a un físico 100.000 libras por investigar una mansión, presumiblemente una casa encantada, en la que varios científicos han muerto o perdido el juicio en exploraciones previas. Su misión será investigar averiguar qué sucedió y analizar la posibilidad de que exista vida después de la muerte. El físico contará con la ayuda de su mujer, una joven parasicóloga y el único superviviente de la anterior misión científica.