Mariya Tsvetkova-Ovsyannikova

Mariya Tsvetkova-Ovsyannikova


Mariya Tsvetkova-Ovsyannikova


Шмяк. Волшебная лавка Есении
The shop of miracles of Yesenia and Shmyak the bear continues its magical work. The inhabitants of the magical land of Dreamville encounter various difficulties that are not so easy to solve alone. Yesenia and Shmyak rush to help the residents, who will never leave their friends in trouble - after all, their main dream is for all the residents of Dreamville to be happy.
The Barkers Team
The Barkers dream of becoming famous and conquering the Internet. They know how to dance and make funny videos that collect likes and views, but they are still far from the real stars of the Internet, such as Kitty Cat. By chance, Kat becomes their neighbor, not only friendship, but also rivalry develops between them. Mentor Kat is not very happy with her competitors and is trying to bring discord into a friendly family...
Horse Julius And Big Horse Racing
Wait: the talking horse Julius fell in love! And this time everything is serious - he asks for a hand, that is, the hooves of a royal mare named the Star of the East from Sultan Rashid. But only a person of royal blood can woo a mare of royal blood.Julius turns to the prince of Kiev for help, but is refused. But our groom does not intend to give up love. He kidnaps the prince and forcibly takes him to the sultan for matchmaking. And the heroes also have a business in the eastern side. All will converge on the big races where the winner takes it all.
Las vacaciones gatunas de los Barkers
Roza (voice)
Una familia de perros decide irse de vacaciones. Kid está ansioso por jugar con sus hermanos mayores, pero todos parecen ocupados con sus propios pasatiempos, así que Kid encuentra nuevos amigos: gatos.
Ivan Tsarevich & the Grey Wolf 4
Winter this year in the faraway kingdom happened especially long and cold. Just like last year. And like the year before last. But, lo and behold, spring has come. More precisely – almost came. With a blizzard, frosts and snow. As usual. And our heroes – Ivan, Vasilisa, the Gray Wolf and the Tsar-father would have been completely sad if the news hadn't come along with the almost-spring - the annual all-fairy song contest would be held in the Thirteenth Kingdom. Last year, Georges the hamster won there, and whose voice will be cooler this time? The tsar decided that the Faraway Kingdom would be represented by a scientist Cat. More than one cartoon passed together, and anyway he forgot about the books, yelling, or rather singing all day on the roofs, as befits a cat in March. And, of course, the whole company, led by Ivan and the Wolf, goes to support the fluffy singer.
Fantastic Return To Oz
A year to the day after Dorothy and the people of the Emerald City defeated Urfin Jus, the villain is trying to exact his revenge. To command the army of Carraci, however, Urfin needs not only the magic book, but also Dorothy’s silver slippers. The slippers are safely hidden away in Dorothy’s house. Unfortunately, Dorothy’s guest, Tim, is overcome by curiosity and picks up the shoes, accidentally transporting himself, Dorothy and the slippers to the Land of Oz. The Emerald City and its citizens are in danger once again.
Three Heroes and the Princess of Egypt
The new adventures of the three heroes and, of course, the horse Yuliya!!!!. Where will the fate of the fairy tale heroes, who have fallen in love with them still go, what challenges do they have to overcome, that will help them defeat the dark forces? We will find out about this very soon.
Three Heroes and the King of the Sea
There is family trouble for the knights. To get out of trouble’s way, they decide to whizz off to China for a dragon tooth, the symbol of wisdom and power. At that time the Prince of Kiev is on a journey with his horse Julius; he is after the treasures of the Sea tsar to fill his coffers and “patch up the budget”. And the Sea tsar has decided to marry – and therefore drown Kiev. What is to be done? What will help our heroes? Friendship, boldness and, of course, love.
Ivan Tsarevich & the Grey Wolf 3
Prince Ivan, Grey Wolf and Vasilisa set off on a magic carpet ride to new lands as the deputy scarecrow in charge of the kingdom sets new rules.
Three Heroes and Julius Caesar
The court horse Gaius Julius Caesar to his misfortune overhears boyars and learns about a conspiracy against the prince. What to do? Protect a prince no one! Heroes away - catch a robber Potanyu, Dragon on vacation, the army on maneuvers ... But if the bad guys are going to take over the world, to someone it is necessary to save him? Who is he, a hero who will come to the rescue? Of course, the horse Julius! This Strategy and the "grand strategist". He would save all, but if you do not save, then at least try. Most importantly, to the rescue of the world did not turn a complete disaster.
Ivan Tsarevich & the Grey Wolf 2
Marital doldrums and second thoughts beset Ivan and Vasilisa's "happily ever after", until boredom leads to a staged abduction.
Three Heroes on Distant Shores
This time, Alyosha Popovich Dobrinya and Ilya Muromets, thanks insidious wiles of Baba Yaga, are the seven seas on the island where the natives live and terrible Gomuma. In their absence, the merchant Kolyvan decide together with Baba-Yaga take the kingdom, and the power to take away from the prince of Kiev. To help the hapless governor comes horse Julius and wife heroes and their extended family. In short, the heroes and the audience for adventures on distant shores, ordinary and extraordinary.
Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen
Alyonushka (voice)
A bogatyr is an epic warrior from ancient Kievan Rus. Most are directed in the traditional bylinas, traditional Russian epic poems, as being endowed with enormous strength and cunning, although often not completely immune to human weaknesses. Here, our three heroes gather together once more to rescue the ruler of the land from the attempts of an evil foreign queen. She plans to make him fall in love with her so her youth and beauty can be renewed, but in exchange will destroy his kingdom.