This compelling emotional drama stars Carol White as a young single mother who finds herself caught between two people – a local priest and a folk singer – each of whom wants to convert her to his own worldview. An elegy to a younger generation looking for something to believe in, Made co-stars hugely influential folk-rock musician Roy Harper in his screen debut. Produced by Joseph Janni – who previously made the astonishingly successful Poor Cow with White – directed by The Long Good Friday's John Mackenzie and featuring new songs specially composed by Harper.
Jimmy Riley makes friends with Colin and Brian Buxton, both keen members of a schoolboys' scramble club. Lennie and Cliff, old friends of Jimmy's, steal wealthy Mr Hepplewhite's car. Jimmy finds the crooks with the car but will not join in with them.
Seis náufragos son rescatados durante una tempestad por el capitán Nemo que les conduce en una fantástica nave submarina, la "Ciudad de Oro", bajo las aguas del océano Atlántico. Allí conocen a extraños personajes con los que viven emocionantes aventuras.
Fagin's Boy
En el siglo XIX, Oliver Twist (Mark Lester), un pobre niño inglés, escapa de un orfanato y llega a Londres en busca de fortuna. Allí es reclutado por un granuja llamado Fagin (Ron Moody), jefe de una banda de jóvenes ladronzuelos que roban a los transeúntes. Adaptación en formato musical de la famosa obra de Dickens.