Narra cómo un famoso abogado viaja hasta su pueblo natal para defender a un profesor acusado del asesinato de uno de sus estudiantes.
Un escándalo de pedofilia salpica la Diócesis Católica de Boston. En el caso de Angelo DeFranco, víctima de los abusos sexuales del Padre John Geoghan, el abogado defensor es Mitchell Garabedian. Pronto surgen nuevos casos de chicos que cometieron el error de denunciar los abusos al arrogante Padre Bernard Law.
Executive Producer
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Gisella Perl (Christine Lahti), una judía húngara, deja su pueblo para iniciar una prometedora carrera como ginecóloga; pero sus proyectos se frustran cuando los nazis la deportan a Auschwitz. Después de sobrevivir a esa pesadilla, Gisella consigue la ciudadanía americana, pero los jueces estadounidenses la acusan de haber sido ayudante del doctor Mengele en los campos de exterminio. Tendrá entonces que revivir sus horribles experiencias para explicar la difícil decisión moral que, durante años, la mantuvo con vida en Auschwitz. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ésta es la historia real de Joseph Bonanno, uno de los padrinos más legendarios de la mafia americana. Su vida inspiró a Mario Puzzo para crear a Don Vito Corleone, el protagonista de su célebre novela El Padrino. Joseph es hijo de la mafia. Su propio padre, Salvatore, decide su apadrinamiento por el líder de la familia rival. De este modo, pone fin a una guerra sangrienta y sella el destino de su hijo recién nacido. Años más tarde, gracias a la ayuda de un amigo de la familia, conseguirá entrar ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos, donde empezará a hacer fortuna con el comercio ilegal de alcohol durante La Prohibición. Será entonces cuando acceda a la protección de Salvatore Maranzano, uno de los jefes de la mafia, del que se convertirá en mano derecha.
An Army medic brings his girlfriend to stay with him at an out of the way Vietnam outpost in 1967, the woman disappears one day and he begins searching for her.
An Army medic brings his girlfriend to stay with him at an out of the way Vietnam outpost in 1967, the woman disappears one day and he begins searching for her.
A priest struggles with his religious beliefs as he sees his countrymen murdered in Nazi occupied Italy and as he becomes attracted to a woman operating in the resistance.
A priest struggles with his religious beliefs as he sees his countrymen murdered in Nazi occupied Italy and as he becomes attracted to a woman operating in the resistance.
An ex-cop is temporarily blinded when he steals cash from a money laundering operations. While recuperating in Mexico, the thief falls in love with a beautiful woman who has underworld connections. When the girl disappears, he returns to the United States to find her, risking death from the gangster
An ex-cop is temporarily blinded when he steals cash from a money laundering operations. While recuperating in Mexico, the thief falls in love with a beautiful woman who has underworld connections. When the girl disappears, he returns to the United States to find her, risking death from the gangster
Major League Baseball scout must find promising young player to save his job and his team.
Bacon es un joven corredor de bolsa que cambia de oficio después de un batacazo económico, entrando a formar parte de una plantilla de mensajería que recorre la ciudad de Nueva York sorteando el tráfico en bicicleta.
Bacon es un joven corredor de bolsa que cambia de oficio después de un batacazo económico, entrando a formar parte de una plantilla de mensajería que recorre la ciudad de Nueva York sorteando el tráfico en bicicleta.
Associate Producer
Tommy takes up temporary housing in a New York neighborhood plagued by a violent gang called the Souls. Tommy is waiting for his next assignment as a seaman and though he tries to avoid the gang and his neighbors, it does not work. Soon he is battling the Souls and not only changing their attitudes, but the attitudes of his previously intimidated neighbors as well.
Tommy takes up temporary housing in a New York neighborhood plagued by a violent gang called the Souls. Tommy is waiting for his next assignment as a seaman and though he tries to avoid the gang and his neighbors, it does not work. Soon he is battling the Souls and not only changing their attitudes, but the attitudes of his previously intimidated neighbors as well.
Tommy takes up temporary housing in a New York neighborhood plagued by a violent gang called the Souls. Tommy is waiting for his next assignment as a seaman and though he tries to avoid the gang and his neighbors, it does not work. Soon he is battling the Souls and not only changing their attitudes, but the attitudes of his previously intimidated neighbors as well.