Inaya Graciana Yusuf


Join or Die
Additional Editor
A film about why you should join a club—and why the fate of America may depend on it. Follow the story of America’s civic unraveling through the work of Robert Putnam, whose legendary Bowling Alone findings light a path out of our democracy’s crisis.
Selena Gomez: mi mente y yo
Tras años en el candelero, Selena Gomez alcanza un estatus de estrella inimaginable. Sin embargo, justo cuando conquista una nueva cima, un giro inesperado la sume en la oscuridad. Este documental, de una crudeza e intimidad únicas, abarca su viaje de seis años hacia una nueva luz.
Passage to Womanhood
Passage to Womanhood is a portrait of Muslim trans women who are not succumbing social marginalization and in turn are painting painting their own portrayal of womanhood. Redefining femininity and disrupting the standards of beauty, a new chapter of perseverance surface amidst the secular country of Malaysia.